
Qualtrics Founder Ryan Smith Talks Bootstrapping His Company And Then Raising A Boatload Of Cash

Ryan Smith Qualtrics Bryan Schreier Sequoia Capital - 15 Qualtrics spent most of its life bootstrapped and trying to be profitable. Then it raised $220 million — and Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith was worried he’d have to move to Silicon Valley. But the company has become a success story coming out of Utah, and the company’s focus on profitability and being a sustainable business from day one has taught Qualtrics’ employees to… Read More


IBM’s Watson Won’t Be Replacing Humans Any Time Soon

Alex Wilhelm and John Kelly from IBM Watson at TechCrunch Disrupt SF There is little doubt that IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence system is an incredible piece of technology, It’s capable of searching across vast repositories of unstructured digital data and returning answers remarkably quickly. But it won’t be replacing humans anytime soon, Dr. John Kelly who leads the Watson team at IBM told TechCrunch’s Alex Wilhelm today at… Read More

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