
Upcoming Webinar 7/25: Enhancing MySQL Security

Enhancing MySQL Security

Join Percona Support Engineer Vinicius Grippa as he presents his talk “Enhancing MySQL Security” on Thursday, July 25th, 2019 at 6:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).

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Security is always a challenge when its comes to data. Moreso, regulations like GDPR add a whole new layer on top of it, with rules more and more restrictive to access and manipulate data. Join us in this presentation to check security best practices as well as traditional and new features available for MySQL, including features coming with the new MySQL 8.

In this talk, DBAs and sysadmins will walk through the security features available on the OS and MySQL. These features include:

  • SO security
  • SSL
  • ACL
  • TDE
  • Audit Plugin
  • MySQL 8 features (undo, redo, and binlog encryption)
  • New caching_sha2_password
  • Roles
  • Password Management
  • FIPS mode

We will also share our experience of working with 2,000 support customers and help the audience to become familiar with all the security concepts and methods. Lastly, we’ll give you the necessary knowledge to apply this information to your environment.

If you can’t attend, sign up anyways we’ll send you the slides and recording afterward.


Upcoming Webinar 7/23: 10 Common Mistakes Java Developers Make when Writing SQL

Mistakes Java Developers Make when Writing SQL

Please join Percona’s Senior Support Engineer Charly Batista as he presents “10 Common Mistakes (Java) Developers Make when Writing SQL” on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019 at 8:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).

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It’s easy for Java developers (and users of other OO languages) to mix object-oriented thinking and imperative thinking. But when it comes to writing SQL the nightmare begins! Firstly, SQL is a declarative language and it has nothing to do with either OO or imperative thinking. It is relatively easy to express a condition in SQL but it is not so easy to express it optimally – and even worse to translate it to the OO paradigm. Secondly, they need to think in terms of set and relational algebra, even if unconsciously!

In this talk, we’ll see the most common mistakes that developers make in OO, especially Java, when writing SQL code, and how we can avoid them.

If you can’t attend, sign up anyways we’ll send you the slides and recording afterward.

Charly Batista

Charly Batista
Senior support engineer

Charly worked as Java Architect for many years and using many different database technologies. He helped to design some of the features of the system used in the Brazilian Postal Service, the largest Java project in Latin America in that time. He also helped to design the database of the Brazilian REDESIM project, the system that is responsible for the municipalities taxation in Brazil. He now lives in China and works as Senior Engineer at Percona.


Upcoming Webinar 7/18: Learn how to connect a MySQL database with Java

connect a MySQL database with Java

Please join Percona’s Service Delivery Manager Rodrigo Trindade as he presents “Troubleshooting Java Connections to MySQL” on Thursday, July 18th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PDT (UTC-7).

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This talk will explain the steps needed to make a connection from Java to MySQL work and highlight potential issues you might encounter. It will cover all components, installation, and configuration.

If you can’t attend sign up anyways we’ll send you the slides and recording afterward.


Rodrigo Trindade
Service Delivery Manager

Rodrigo has a Master in Computer Science degree by the Rio Grande do Sul Federal University (Brazil) as well as over 10 years of experience as a CS Professor. Started as Software Developer then moved to Support Engineering working for Netscape, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. Joined Percona in 2018 as a Service Delivery Manager. Solaris, Java, and Weblogic certified.

Upcoming Webinar 7/10: Learn how to run MongoDB Inside of a Containerized Environment

MongoDB Inside of a Containerized Environment

MongoDB Inside of a Containerized EnvironmentPlease join Percona Consultant Doug Duncan as he presents his talk “Building Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for MongoDB” on Wednesday, July 10th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PDT (UTC-7).

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Doug will discuss the basic knowledge needed to understand the complications of running MongoDB inside of a containerized environment and then to go over the specifics of how Percona solved these challenges in the PSMDB Operator. It also will provide an overview of PSMDB Operator features, and a sneak peek at future plans.


Upcoming Webinar 6/27: Beyond Relational Databases – A Look Into MongoDB, Redis, and ClickHouse

relational databases

Relational DatabasesPlease join Percona’s Principal Support Engineer Marcos Albe as he presents “Beyond Relational Databases: A Look Into MongoDB, Redis, and ClickHouse” on Thursday, June 27th, 2019 at 12:00 PM PDT (UTC-7).

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We all use and love relational databases… until we use them for purposes for which they are not a good fit: queues, caches, catalogs, unstructured data, counters, and many other use cases could be solved with relational databases, but are better solved with other alternatives.

In this talk, we’ll review the goals, pros and cons, and good and bad use cases of these alternative paradigms by looking at some modern open source implementations.

By the end of this talk, the audience will have learned the basics of three database paradigms (document, key-value, and columnar store) and will know when it’s appropriate to opt for one of these or when to favor relational databases and avoid falling into buzzword temptations.


Upcoming Webinar 6/26: MongoDB Data Security – Custom Rules and Views

MongoDB Data Security

MongoDB Data SecurityPlease join Percona’s Senior Support Engineer Adamo Tonete as he presents “MongoDB Data Security – Custom Rules and Views” on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 at 11:00 AM PDT (UTC-7).

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In this presentation, we will discuss how to create custom rules when the default rules are not enough for the application. Have you ever needed to give a more permissive rule to a user just because of this user wanted to run a specific command?

Also, we will discuss how to use view for hiding fields from users when we don’t want them to read all the collection. If you have concerns about security, come to this talk.


Upcoming Webinar 6/25: MongoDB Transactions

MongoDB Transactions

MongoDB TransactionsPlease join Percona’s Support Engineer Aayushi Mangal as she presents “MongoDB Transactions” on Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 at 6:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 9:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).

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Transactions are a feature of RDBMS systems, but MongoDB is a document-oriented non-RDBMS database. It is widely known for its simplicity of importing data and the sharding of data across many servers. In MongoDB 4.0, a new feature multi-document Transaction has been introduced in a replicaSet environment and we will explore how an application uses MongoDB to adapt to this new feature. This webinar will also examine how a Transaction in MongoDB is achieved, and we will discuss other exciting news from the launch of MongoDB version 4.2.

If you can’t make the webinar, you can sign up and we’ll send out the recording and slides.


Upcoming Webinar 6/19: A Deep Dive Into PostgreSQL Indexing

PostgreSQL Indexing

PostgreSQL IndexingPlease join Percona’s Senior Software Engineer Ibrar Ahmed as he presents his talk “A Deep Dive Into PostgreSQL Indexing” on Wednesday, June 19th, 2019 at 6:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).

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Indexes are a basic feature of relational databases, and PostgreSQL offers a rich collection of options to developers and designers. To fully take advantage of these, users need to understand the basic concept of indexes, and to be able to compare the different index types and how they apply to different application scenarios. Only then can you make an informed decision about your database index strategy and design.

One thing is for sure: not all indexes are appropriate for all circumstances, and using a “wrong” index can have the opposite effect to that you intend, and problems might only surface once in production. Armed with more advanced knowledge, you can avoid this worst-case scenario!

We’ll take a look at how to use pg_stat_statment to find opportunities for adding indexes to your database. We’ll look at when to add an index, and when adding an index is unlikely to result in a good solution. So should you add an index to every column? Come and discover why this strategy is rarely recommended as we take a deep dive into PostgreSQL indexing.

If you can’t make the webinar, you can sign up and we’ll send out the recording and slides.

Photo by Adrian RF on Unsplash.


Upcoming Webinar 5/16: Monitoring MongoDB with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and ManagementPlease join Percona’s Product Manager Michael Coburn as he presents his talk Monitoring MongoDB with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) on May 16th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 1:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).

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Learn how to monitor MongoDB using Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) that will allow you to:

  • Gain greater visibility of database performance and bottlenecks
  • Consolidate your MongoDB servers into the same monitoring platform you already use for MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Respond more quickly and efficiently to Severity 1 issues

We will show you how to use PMM’s native support to have MongoDB integrated in just a few minutes!

In order to learn more, register for our webinar.


Watch Webinar: Speaking the same language as Developers and DBAs

Speaking the same language as Developers and DBAs

Speaking the same language as Developers and DBAsPlease join, Percona’s Product Manager, Michael Coburn as he presents his talk Speaking the same language as Developers and DBAs.

Watch the Recorded Webinar

In this talk, we’ll go over some of the high-level monitoring concepts that PMM enables for you, the CEO, to leverage in order to speak the same language as your technical team. For instance, we’ll cover:

– Which thresholds to follow for CEOs
– Host-specific resources – CPU, Memory, Disk, Network
– Database-specific resources – Connections, Queries per Second, Slow Queries, Replication lag
– Building custom KPI metrics using PMM
– Visualize Application logic
– Combine Application and Databases under one view

In order to learn more and speak the same language as Developers and DBAs, watch our webinar.

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