
Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL (Part One)

Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL

Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL

How native ProxySQL stands in failover support (both v2.0.15 and v2.1.0)

In recent times I have been designing several solutions focused on High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Some of them using Percona Server for MySQL with group replication, some using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). What many of them had in common was the use of ProxySQL for the connection layer. This is because I consider the use of a layer 7 Proxy preferable, given the possible advantages provided in ReadWrite split and SQL filtering. 

The other positive aspect provided by ProxySQL, at least for Group Replication, is the native support which allows us to have a very quick resolution of possible node failures.

ProxySQL has Galera support as well, but in the past, that had shown to be pretty unstable, and the old method to use the scheduler was still the best way to go.

After Percona Live Online 2020 I decided to try it again and to see if at least the basics were now working fine. 

What I Have Tested

I was not looking for complicated tests that would have included different levels of transaction isolation. I was instead interested in the more simple and basic ones. My scenario was:

1 ProxySQL node v2.0.15  (
1 ProxySQL node v2.1.0  (
3 PXC 8.20 nodes ( with internal network ( 

ProxySQL was freshly installed. 

All the commands used to modify the configuration are here. Tests were done first using ProxySQL v2.015 then v2.1.0. Only if results diverge I will report the version and results. 

PXC- Failover Scenario

As mentioned above I am going to focus on the fail-over needs, period. I will have two different scenarios:

  • Maintenance
  • Node crash 

From the ProxySQL point of view I will have three scenarios always with a single Primary:

  • Writer is NOT a reader (option 0 and 2)
  • Writer is also a reader

The configuration of the native support will be:

INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',100,3306,10000,2000,'Preferred writer');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',100,3306,1000,2000,'Second preferred ');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',100,3306,100,2000,'Las chance');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',101,3306,100,2000,'last reader');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',101,3306,10000,2000,'reader1');    
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostname,hostgroup_id,port,weight,max_connections,comment) VALUES ('',101,3306,10000,2000,'reader2');

Galera host groups:

  • Writer: 100
  • Reader: 101
  • Backup_writer: 102
  • Offline_hostgroup: 9101

Before going ahead let us analyze the Mysql Servers settings. As you can notice I am using the weight attribute to indicate ProxySQL which is my preferred write. But I also use weight for the READ Host Group to indicate which servers should be used and how.

Given that we have that:

  • Write
    •  is the preferred Primary
    •  is the first failover 
    • is the last chance 
  • Read
    • have the same weight and load should be balanced between the two of them
    • The given is the preferred writer should NOT receive the same load in reads and have a lower weight value.  

The Tests

First Test

The first test is to see how the cluster will behave in the case of 1 Writer and 2 readers, with the option writer_is_also_reader = 0.
To achieve this the settings for proxysql will be:

insert into mysql_galera_hostgroups (writer_hostgroup,backup_writer_hostgroup,reader_hostgroup, offline_hostgroup,active,max_writers,writer_is_also_reader,max_transactions_behind) values (100,102,101,9101,1,1,0,10);

As soon as I load this to runtime, ProxySQL should move the nodes to the relevant Host Group. But this is not happening, instead, it keeps the readers in the writer HG and SHUN them.

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host      | status       |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED      |
| 1000    | 100          |  | SHUNNED      |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       |
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE       |
| 1000    | 102          |  | ONLINE       |

This is, of course, wrong. But why does it happen?

The reason is simple. ProxySQL is expecting to see all nodes in the reader group with READ_ONLY flag set to 1. 

In ProxySQL documentation we can read:

writer_is_also_reader=0: nodes with read_only=0 will be placed either in the writer_hostgroup and in the backup_writer_hostgroup after a topology change, these will be excluded from the reader_hostgroup.

This is conceptually wrong. 

A PXC cluster is a tightly coupled replication cluster, with virtually synchronous replication. One of its benefits is to have the node “virtually” aligned with respect to the data state. 

In this kind of model, the cluster is data-centric, and each node shares the same data view.

What it also means is that if correctly set the nodes will be fully consistent in data READ.

The other characteristic of the cluster is that ANY node can become a writer anytime. 
While best practices indicate that it is better to use one Writer a time as Primary to prevent certification conflicts, this does not mean that the nodes not currently elected as Primary, should be prevented from becoming a writer.

Which is exactly what READ_ONLY flag does if activated.

Not only, the need to have READ_ONLY set means that we must change it BEFORE we have the node able to become a writer in case of fail-over. 

This, in short, means the need to have either a topology manager or a script that will do that with all the relative checks and logic to be safe. Which in time of fail-over means it will add time and complexity when it’s not really needed and that goes against the concept of the tightly-coupled cluster itself.

Given the above, we can say that this ProxySQL method related to writer_is_also_reader =0, as it is implemented today for Galera, is, at the best, useless. 

Why is it working for Group Replication? That is easy; because Group Replication internally uses a mechanism to lock/unlock the nodes when non-primary, when using the cluster in single Primary mode. That internal mechanism was implemented as a security guard to prevent random writes on multiple nodes, and also manage the READ_ONLY flag. 

Second Test

Let us move on and test with writer_is_also_reader = 2. Again from the documentation:

writer_is_also_reader=2 : Only the nodes with read_only=0 which are placed in the backup_writer_hostgroup are also placed in the reader_hostgroup after a topology change i.e. the nodes with read_only=0 exceeding the defined max_writers.

Given the settings as indicated above, my layout before using Galera support is:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host      | status       |
| 100     | 100          | | ONLINE       |
| 1000    | 100          |  | ONLINE       |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       |
| 10000   | 101          | | ONLINE       |
| 10000   | 101          |  | ONLINE       |
| 100     | 101          |  | ONLINE       |

After enabling Galera support:

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  |
| 100    | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED |
| 1000   | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 100    | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 1000   | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 100    | 102       | | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 1000   | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |

So node ending with 22 (the Primary elected) is not in the reader pool. Which can be ok, I assume. 

But what is not OK at all is that the READERS have now a completely different weight. Nodes x.23 and x.233 are NOT balancing the load any longer, because the weight is not the same or the one I define. It is instead copied over from the WRITER settings. 

Well of course this is wrong and not what I want. Anyhow, let’s test the READ failover.

I will use sysbench read-only:

sysbench ./src/lua/windmills/oltp_read.lua  --mysql-host= --mysql-port=6033 --mysql-user=app_test --mysql-password=test --mysql-db=windmills_s --db-driver=mysql --tables=10 --table_size=10000  --rand-type=zipfian --rand-zipfian-exp=0.5 --skip_trx=true  --report-interval=1  --mysql_storage_engine=innodb --auto_inc=off --histogram --table_name=windmills  --stats_format=csv --db-ps-mode=disable --point-selects=50 --range-selects=true --threads=50 --time=2000   run

mysql> select * from  runtime_mysql_galera_hostgroups \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       writer_hostgroup: 100
backup_writer_hostgroup: 102
       reader_hostgroup: 101
      offline_hostgroup: 9101
                 active: 1
            max_writers: 1
  writer_is_also_reader: 2
max_transactions_behind: 10
                comment: NULL

Test Running

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 100    | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 1000   | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| 100    | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 1        |
| 1000   | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 51       |
| 100    | 102       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| 1000   | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |

As indicated above the reads are not balanced.  Removing node x.23 using wsrep_reject_queries=all:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host	 | status       | ConnUsed |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED      | 0        |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 100     | 101          | | ONLINE       | 48       |
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE       | 0        |

The remaining node x.233 is taking all the writes, good. If I set wsrep_reject_queries=all also on x.233:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host      | status       |   
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE	|
| 100     | 9101         | | SHUNNED	|
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE	|

And application failed:

FATAL: mysql_drv_query() returned error 9001 (Max connect timeout reached while reaching hostgroup 101 after 10000ms) for query ‘SELECT id, millid, date,active,kwatts_s FROM windmills2 WHERE id=9364’

Now, this may be like this by design, but I have serious difficulties understanding what the reasoning is here, given we allow a platform to fail serving while we still have a healthy server. 

Last but not least I am not allowed to decide WHICH the backup_writers are, ProxySQL will choose them from my writer list of servers. SO why not also include the one I have declared as Primary, at least in case of needs?  ¯\_(?)_/¯

Third Test

Ok last try with writer_is_also_reader = 1.

mysql> select * from  runtime_mysql_galera_hostgroups \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       writer_hostgroup: 100
backup_writer_hostgroup: 102
       reader_hostgroup: 101
      offline_hostgroup: 9101
                 active: 1
            max_writers: 1
  writer_is_also_reader: 1
max_transactions_behind: 10
                comment: NULL
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

And now I have:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host	 | status       | ConnUsed |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED      | 0        |
| 1000    | 100          |  | SHUNNED      | 0        |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 100     | 101          | | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 1000    | 101          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 101          |  | ONLINE       | 35       | <-- :(
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE	| 0        |
| 1000    | 102          |  | ONLINE	| 0        |

Then remove on Reader at the time as before:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host	 | status       | ConnUsed |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED	| 0        |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 100     | 101          | | ONLINE	| 0        |
| 10000   | 101          |  | ONLINE	| 52       | <-- :(
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE	| 0        |

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host	 | status	| ConnUsed |
| 10000   | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 100     | 101          |  | ONLINE       | 39       | <-- :(
| 100     | 9101         | | SHUNNED	| 0        |
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE	| 0        |

Now as you may have already realized, the point here is that, YES I have my node x.22 (Primary) able to get the READS as well, but the node was taking the whole load from the beginning. This is because of the shift ProxySQL had done in regards to the weight. 

This happens because while internally ProxySQL initially populates the internal table mysql_servers_incoming with the data from the mysql_servers, after several steps that information is overwritten using the data coming from the writer also for the readers. 

Messing up the desired results.

Fourth Test

Failover due to maintenance. In this case, I will set the writer pxc_maint_mode = MAINTENANCE to failover to another writer.
The sysbench command used:

sysbench ./src/lua/windmills/oltp_read_write.lua  --mysql-host= --mysql-port=6033 --mysql-user=app_test --mysql-password=test --mysql-db=windmills_s --db-driver=mysql --tables=10 --table_size=10000  --rand-type=zipfian --rand-zipfian-exp=0.5 --skip_trx=false  --report-interval=1  --mysql_storage_engine=innodb --auto_inc=off --histogram --table_name=windmills  --stats_format=csv --db-ps-mode=disable --point-selects=50 --range-selects=true --threads=50 --time=2000   run

After started sysbench I set the writer in maintenance mode:

| Variable_name               | Value       |
| pxc_encrypt_cluster_traffic | OFF         |
| pxc_maint_mode              | MAINTENANCE |
| pxc_maint_transition_period | 10          |
| pxc_strict_mode             | ENFORCING   |

ProxySQL is setting the node as SHUNNED, but is not able to pass over the connection given sysbench uses sticky connections.

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host      | status       | ConnUsed |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED      | 0        |
| 1000    | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 100          |  | SHUNNED      | 50       |
| 100     | 101          | | ONLINE       | 2        |
| 1000    | 101          |  | ONLINE       | 13       |
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE       | 0        |

If your application uses sticky connections and never refreshes, you must restart the application. Adding to the sysbench command –reconnect=50 I can see that the connections are a shift to the new master as expected:

| weight  | hostgroup_id | srv_host      | status       | ConnUsed |
| 100     | 100          | | SHUNNED      | 0        |
| 1000    | 100          |  | ONLINE       | 26       | <-- New Primary
| 10000   | 100          |  | SHUNNED      | 19       | <-- shift
| 100     | 101          | | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 101          |  | ONLINE       | 21       |
| 100     | 102          | | ONLINE       | 0        |
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE       | 0        | <-- ??
| 10000   | 9101         |  | ONLINE       | 0        |

As we can see ProxySQL does the failover to node x.23 as expected. But it also adds the node in the HG 9101, which is supposed to host the offline servers.

So why move the Primary there? 

Once maintenance is over, disable pxc_main_mode will restore the master. In short, ProxySQL will fail-back. 

The whole process will be not impactful if the application is NOT using sticky connection, otherwise, the application will have to deal with:

  • Error with the connection
  • Retry cycle to re-run the drop DML

Failover Because of a Crash

To check the next case I will add –mysql-ignore-errors=all to sysbench, to be able to see how many errors I will have and for how long, when in the need to failover. To simulate a crash I will KILL -9 the mysqld process on the writer.

After Kill:

98,50,53.00,6472.71,6070.73,221.99,179.99,1327.91,0.00,1.00 <--
99,50,0.00,2719.17,2719.17,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,50.00        <--start
105,50,49.85,2663.99,2556.31,23.93,83.75,7615.89,0.00,6.98  <-- done

In this case, it takes 6 seconds for a failover.

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed | 
| 100    | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        | 
| 1000   | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 48       | 
| 100    | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 1        | 
| 1000   | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 18       | 
| 100    | 102       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        | 
| 10000  | 9101      |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        | 

So all good here. But during one of my tests ONLY on v2.0.15 and when using the same weight, I had the following weird behavior. Once the failover is done I found that ProxySQL is sending connections to BOTH remaining nodes.

Check below the data taken one after the other nodeS start to take over, keep in mind here the PRIMARY was node

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 10000  | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 10       |<--
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 40       |<--
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 3        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 12       |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 10000  | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 37       |<--
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 13       |<--
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 7        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 12       |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 10000  | 100       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 49       |<--
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |<--
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 10       |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 10       |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |

In the end, only one node will remain as Primary, but for an X amount of time, both were serving also if only ONE node was declared ONLINE.

A Problem Along the Road… (only with v2.0.15)

While I was trying to “fix” the issue with the weight for READERS…

Let’s say we have this:

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 686      |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 62       |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 43       |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 19       |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |

And I want to release some of the READ load from WRITER (currently

If I simply do:

update mysql_servers set weight=100 where hostgroup_id=101 and hostname='';

| hostgroup_id | hostname      | port | gtid_port | status | weight | 
| 100          |  | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 10000  | 
| 101          |  | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 10000  | 
| 101          |  | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 100    | 
| 101          | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 10000  | 

Now I load it into runtime, and… if I am lucky:

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED |
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 100    | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |

And then it is changed to:

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED |
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |
| 10000  | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  |

As you can notice ProxySQL initially set it to the value I choose. After, it changed back to what was set in the HG 100. But worse, is that if I am not lucky:

| weight | hostgroup | srv_host      | srv_port | status  | ConnUsed |
| 100    | 100       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 10000  | 100       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       | | 3306     | ONLINE  | 718      |
| 100    | 101       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |
| 10000  | 101       |  | 3306     | SHUNNED | 0        |
| 100    | 102       |  | 3306     | ONLINE  | 0        |

it changes the value (randomly) also for the HG 102 which will impact also the WRITER HG causing a failover. At this point, I stopped testing. Too many things making a failover scenario too unpredictable. 


ProxySQL has a great concept behind it and is for sure covering a really needed gap existing in the MySQL environment, optimizing and powering up the connection layer between the application layer to the data layer.  

But, in regards to the Galera support, we are not there. The support provided is not only limited, it is fallacious, and could lead to serious and/or unexpected problems. Also using the option writer_is_also_reader=1, which is the only one worthy of usage, we still see too many issues in how the nodes are managed in case of serious events as failover.

ProxySQL v2.1.0 seems to have fixed some instabilities, but we still have too many open issues to trust the Galera native support. My advice is to stay away from it and use the scheduler to deal with the Galera cluster. Write a robust script that will cover your specific needs if you must customize the actions. A scheduler will serve you well. 

If too lazy to do so, there is a sample in Percona-Lab. This is the old script used in ProxySQL 1.4.x modified to work with ProxySQL 2.x. I have also written one a long time ago that can help as well here. Both come without any guarantee and I advise you to use them as examples for your own, see Part 2 of this post for details

Finally, let me say that ProxySQL is a great tool, but no tool can cover all. People like me that have been around for long enough have seen this happening many times, and it is of no surprise. 

Great MySQL to all.



What is the Top Cause of Application Downtime Today?

Application outages lurking monster

Application outages lurking monsterI frequently talk to our customer base about what keeps them up at night. While there is a large variance of answers, they tend to fall into one of two categories. The first is the conditioned fear of some monster lurking behind the scenes that could pounce at any time. The second, of course, is the actual monster of downtime on a critical system. Ask most tech folks and they will tell you outages seem to only happen late at night or early in the morning. And that they do keep them up.

Entire companies and product lines have been built around providing those in the IT world with some ability to sleep at night. Modern enterprises have spent millions to mitigate the risk and prevent their businesses from having a really bad day because of an outage. Cloud providers are attuned to the downtime dilemma and spend lots of time, money, and effort to build in redundancy and make “High Availability” (HA) as easy as possible. The frequency of “hardware” or server issues continues to dwindle.

Where does the downtime issue start?

In my discussions, most companies I have talked to say their number one cause of outages and customer interruptions is ultimately related to the deployment of new or upgraded code. Often I hear the operations team has little or no involvement with an application until it’s put into production. It is a bit ironic that this is also the area where companies tend to drastically under-invest. They opt instead to invest in ways to “Scale Out or Up”. Or perhaps how to survive asteroids hitting two out three of their data centers.

Failing over broken or slow code from one server to another does not fix it. Adding more servers to distribute the load can mitigate a problem, but can also escalate the cost dramatically. In most cases, the solutions they apply don’t address the primary cause of the problems.

While there are some fantastic tools out there that can help with getting better visibility into code level issues — such as New Relic, AppDynamics and others — the real problem is that these often end up being used to diagnose issues after they have appeared in production. Most companies carry out some amount of testing before releasing code, but typically it is a fraction of what they should be doing. Working for a company that specializes in open source databases, we get a lot of calls on issues that have prevented companies’ end users from using critical applications. Many of these problems are fixable before they cost a loss of revenue and reputation.

I think it’s time technology companies start to rethink our QA, Testing, and Pre-Deployment requirements. How much time, effort, and money can we save if we catch these “monsters” before they make it into production?

Not to mention how much better our operations team will sleep . . .

The post What is the Top Cause of Application Downtime Today? appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Using dbdeployer to manage MySQL, Percona Server and MariaDB sandboxes

dbdeployer by Giuseppe Maxia

Some years ago, Peter Z wrote a blogpost about using MySQL Sandbox to deploy multiple server versions. Last February, Giuseppe  introduced us to its successor: dbdeployer. In this blogpost we will demonstrate how to use it. There is a lot of information in Giuseppe’s post, so head there if you want a deeper dive.

First step is to install it, which is really easy to do now since it’s developed in Go, and standalone executables are provided. You can get the latest version here.

shell> wget
shell> tar xzf dbdeployer-1.5.0.linux.tar.gz
shell> mv dbdeployer-1.5.0.linux ~/bin/dbdeployer

If you have your ~/bin/ directory in the path, you should now be able to run dbdeployer commands.

dbdeployer by Giuseppe Maxia

Let’s start with deploying a latest version vanilla MySQL sandbox.

In the Support Team, we extensively use MySQL Sandbox (the predecessor to dbdeployer) to easily run different flavours and versions of MySQL so that we can test with the same versions our customers present us with. We store MySQL binaries in /opt/, so we can all share them and avoid wasting disk space on duplicated binaries.

The first step to using dbdeployer is getting the binary we want to run, and then unpacking it into the binaries directory.

shell> wget
shell> dbdeployer --sandbox-binary=/opt/mysql/ unpack mysql-8.0.11-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz

This command will extract and move the files to the appropriate directory, which in this case is under /opt/mysql/ as overridden with the --sandbox-binary argument, so we can use them with the deploy command.


To create a new standalone MySQL sandbox with the newly extracted binary, we can use the following command.

shell> dbdeployer --sandbox-binary=/opt/mysql/ deploy single 8.0.11
Creating directory /home/vagrant/sandboxes
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_8_0_11
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'
.. sandbox server started

You can read the dbdeployer usage output to have even more information on how the tool works. Next, let’s connect to it.

shell> cd sandboxes/msb_8_0_11/
shell> ./use
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 9
Server version: 8.0.11 MySQL Community Server - GPL
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > select @@version, @@port;
| @@version | @@port |
| 8.0.11    | 8011 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And that was it! When creating the new instance, dbdeployer will try to use the same port as the version numbers concatenated. If that port is in use, it will try another one, or we can manually override it with the --port argument.


We can also easily setup a replication environment with just one command.

shell> dbdeployer --sandbox-binary=/opt/mariadb/ deploy replication 10.2.15
Installing and starting master
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting slave1
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting slave2
. sandbox server started
initializing slave 1
initializing slave 2
Replication directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_10_2_15
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

Again, you should run the recommended command to get more insight into what can be done. We can use the ./m script to connect to the master, and ./s1 to connect to the first slave. The ./use_all* scripts can come in handy to run commands in many servers at a time.

Multiple sandboxes

Finally, we will see how to create multiple sandboxes with the same version at the same time.

shell> dbdeployer --sandbox-binary=/opt/percona_server/ deploy multiple 5.7.21
Installing and starting node 1
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting node 2
. sandbox server started
Installing and starting node 3
. sandbox server started
multiple directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/multi_msb_5_7_21
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

This could be useful for setting up environments that are not already covered by the tool, like Galera clusters or semi-sync replication. With this approach, we will at least have a base to start from, and then can use our own custom scripts. dbdeployer now has templates, which would allow extending functionality to support this, if needed. I have not yet tried to do so, but sounds like an interesting project for the future! Let me know if you would be interested in reading more about it.

The post Using dbdeployer to manage MySQL, Percona Server and MariaDB sandboxes appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


sysbench Histograms: A Helpful Feature Often Overlooked

Sysbench Histograms

Sysbench HistogramsIn this blog post, I will demonstrate how to run and use sysbench histograms.

One of the features of sysbench that I often I see overlooked (and rarely used) is its ability to produce detailed query response time histograms in addition to computing percentile numbers. Looking at histograms together with throughput or latency over time provides many additional insights into query performance.

Here is how you get detailed sysbench histograms and performance over time:

sysbench --rand-type=uniform --report-interval=1 --percentile=99 --time=300 --histogram --mysql-password=sbtest oltp_point_select --table_size=400000000 run

There are a few command line options to consider:

  • report-interval=1 prints out the current performance measurements every second, which helps see if performance is uniform, if you have stalls or otherwise high variance
  • percentile=99 computes 99 percentile response time, rather than 95 percentile (the default); I like looking at 99 percentile stats as it is a better measure of performance
  • histogram=on produces a histogram at the end of the run (as shown below)

The first thing to note about this histogram is that it is exponential. This means the width of the buckets changes with higher values. It starts with 0.001 ms (one microsecond) and gradually grows. This design is used so that sysbench can deal with workloads with requests that take small fractions of milliseconds, as well as accommodate requests that take many seconds (or minutes).

Next, we learn some us very interesting things about typical request response time distribution for databases. You might think that this distribution would be close to some to some “academic” distributions, such as normal distribution. In reality, we often observe is something of a “camelback” distribution (not a real term) – and our “camel” can have more than two humps (especially for simple requests such as the single primary key lookup shown here).

Why do request response times tend to have this distribution? It is because requests can take multiple paths inside the database. For example, certain requests might get responses from the MySQL Query Cache (which will result in the first hump). A second hump might come from resolving lookups using the InnoDB Adaptive Hash Index. A third hump might come from finding all the data in memory (rather than the Adaptive Hash Index). Finally, another hump might coalesce around the time (or times) it takes to execute on requests that require disk IO.    

You also will likely see some long-tail data that highlights the fact that MySQL and Linux are not hard, real-time systems. As an example, this very simple run with a single thread (and thus no contention) has an outlier at around 18ms. Most of the requests are served within 0.2ms or less.

As you add contention, row-level locking, group commit and other issues, you are likely to see even more complicated diagrams – which can often show you something unexpected:

Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds)
      value  ------------- distribution ------------- count
      0.050 |                                         1
      0.051 |                                         2
      0.052 |                                         2
      0.053 |                                         54
      0.053 |                                         79
      0.054 |                                         164
      0.055 |                                         883
      0.056 |*                                        1963
      0.057 |*                                        2691
      0.059 |**                                       4047
      0.060 |****                                     9480
      0.061 |******                                   15234
      0.062 |********                                 20723
      0.063 |********                                 20708
      0.064 |**********                               26770
      0.065 |*************                            35928
      0.066 |*************                            34520
      0.068 |************                             32247
      0.069 |************                             31693
      0.070 |***************                          41682
      0.071 |**************                           37862
      0.073 |********                                 22691
      0.074 |******                                   15907
      0.075 |****                                     10509
      0.077 |***                                      7853
      0.078 |****                                     9880
      0.079 |****                                     10853
      0.081 |***                                      9243
      0.082 |***                                      9280
      0.084 |***                                      8947
      0.085 |***                                      7869
      0.087 |***                                      8129
      0.089 |***                                      9073
      0.090 |***                                      8364
      0.092 |***                                      6781
      0.093 |**                                       4672
      0.095 |*                                        3356
      0.097 |*                                        2512
      0.099 |*                                        2177
      0.100 |*                                        1784
      0.102 |*                                        1398
      0.104 |                                         1082
      0.106 |                                         810
      0.108 |                                         742
      0.110 |                                         511
      0.112 |                                         422
      0.114 |                                         330
      0.116 |                                         259
      0.118 |                                         203
      0.120 |                                         165
      0.122 |                                         126
      0.125 |                                         108
      0.127 |                                         87
      0.129 |                                         83
      0.132 |                                         55
      0.134 |                                         42
      0.136 |                                         45
      0.139 |                                         41
      0.141 |                                         149
      0.144 |                                         456
      0.147 |                                         848
      0.149 |*                                        2128
      0.152 |**                                       4586
      0.155 |***                                      7592
      0.158 |*****                                    13685
      0.160 |*********                                24958
      0.163 |*****************                        44558
      0.166 |*****************************            78332
      0.169 |*************************************    98616
      0.172 |**************************************** 107664
      0.176 |**************************************** 107154
      0.179 |****************************             75272
      0.182 |******************                       49645
      0.185 |****************                         42793
      0.189 |*****************                        44649
      0.192 |****************                         44329
      0.196 |******************                       48460
      0.199 |*****************                        44769
      0.203 |**********************                   58578
      0.206 |***********************                  61373
      0.210 |**********************                   58758
      0.214 |******************                       48012
      0.218 |*************                            34533
      0.222 |**************                           36517
      0.226 |*************                            34645
      0.230 |***********                              28694
      0.234 |*******                                  17560
      0.238 |*****                                    12920
      0.243 |****                                     10911
      0.247 |***                                      9208
      0.252 |****                                     10556
      0.256 |***                                      7561
      0.261 |**                                       5047
      0.266 |*                                        3757
      0.270 |*                                        3584
      0.275 |*                                        2951
      0.280 |*                                        2078
      0.285 |*                                        2161
      0.291 |*                                        1747
      0.296 |*                                        1954
      0.301 |*                                        2878
      0.307 |*                                        2810
      0.312 |*                                        1967
      0.318 |*                                        1619
      0.324 |*                                        1409
      0.330 |                                         1205
      0.336 |                                         1193
      0.342 |                                         1151
      0.348 |                                         989
      0.354 |                                         985
      0.361 |                                         799
      0.367 |                                         671
      0.374 |                                         566
      0.381 |                                         537
      0.388 |                                         351
      0.395 |                                         276
      0.402 |                                         214
      0.409 |                                         143
      0.417 |                                         80
      0.424 |                                         85
      0.432 |                                         54
      0.440 |                                         41
      0.448 |                                         29
      0.456 |                                         16
      0.464 |                                         15
      0.473 |                                         11
      0.481 |                                         4
      0.490 |                                         9
      0.499 |                                         4
      0.508 |                                         3
      0.517 |                                         4
      0.527 |                                         4
      0.536 |                                         2
      0.546 |                                         4
      0.556 |                                         4
      0.566 |                                         4
      0.587 |                                         1
      0.597 |                                         1
      0.608 |                                         5
      0.619 |                                         3
      0.630 |                                         2
      0.654 |                                         2
      0.665 |                                         5
      0.677 |                                         26
      0.690 |                                         298
      0.702 |                                         924
      0.715 |*                                        1493
      0.728 |                                         1027
      0.741 |                                         1112
      0.755 |                                         1127
      0.768 |                                         796
      0.782 |                                         574
      0.797 |                                         445
      0.811 |                                         415
      0.826 |                                         296
      0.841 |                                         245
      0.856 |                                         202
      0.872 |                                         210
      0.888 |                                         168
      0.904 |                                         217
      0.920 |                                         163
      0.937 |                                         157
      0.954 |                                         204
      0.971 |                                         155
      0.989 |                                         158
      1.007 |                                         137
      1.025 |                                         94
      1.044 |                                         79
      1.063 |                                         52
      1.082 |                                         36
      1.102 |                                         25
      1.122 |                                         25
      1.142 |                                         16
      1.163 |                                         8
      1.184 |                                         5
      1.205 |                                         7
      1.227 |                                         2
      1.250 |                                         4
      1.272 |                                         3
      1.295 |                                         3
      1.319 |                                         2
      1.343 |                                         2
      1.367 |                                         1
      1.417 |                                         2
      1.791 |                                         1
      1.996 |                                         2
      2.106 |                                         2
      2.184 |                                         1
      2.264 |                                         1
      2.347 |                                         2
      2.389 |                                         1
      2.433 |                                         1
      2.477 |                                         1
      2.568 |                                         2
      2.615 |                                         1
      2.710 |                                         1
      2.810 |                                         1
      2.861 |                                         1
      3.187 |                                         1
      3.488 |                                         1
      3.816 |                                         1
      4.028 |                                         1
      6.913 |                                         1
      7.565 |                                         1
      8.130 |                                         1
     17.954 |                                         1

I hope you give sysbench histograms a try, and see what you can discover!


MySQL 8.0.1: The Next Development Milestone

MySQL 8.0.1

MySQL 8.0.1This post discusses the next MySQL development milestone: MySQL 8.0.1.

From the outset, MySQL 8.0 has received plenty of attention. Both this blog (see the MySQL 8.0 search) and other sites around the Internet have covered it. Early reviews seem positive (including my own MySQL 8.0 early bugs review). There is plenty of excitement about the new features.

As for early feedback on MySQL 8.0, Peter Zaitsev (Percona CEO) listed a set of recommendations for benchmarking MySQL 8.0. I hope these get reviewed and implemented.

MySQL achieved the current development milestone (available for download on on September 12, 2016. Its release immediately came with a detailed review by Geir Hoydalsvik from MySQL. If you haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet, you can also review the MySQL 8.0 release notes.

It now looks like we’re nearing 8.0.1, the next development milestone. I don’t have insider information, but it’s quite clear when navigating that:

Regarding timing, it’s interesting to note that the “What Is New in MySQL 8.0” page was updated on the 6th of January.

It looks like the release might come soon. So, restrain your excitement for a few days (or weeks?) more. Maybe you’ll be able to checkout the all new MySQL 8.0.1!

PS: If MySQL quality interests you, have a look at this recent – and very interesting – change made to the MTR (MySQL Test Run, the MySQL test suite) program. I believe it improves quality for everyone who runs MySQL (including its forks). The tests (which are run worldwide, often for each code change made) will now test the product with its own defaults.


Testing Samsung storage in tpcc-mysql benchmark of Percona Server

tpcc-mysql benchmark

This blog post will detail the results of Samsung storage in


 benchmark using Percona Server.

I had an opportunity to test different Samsung storage devices under tpcc-mysql benchmark powered by Percona Server 5.7. You can find a summary with details here

I have in my possession:

  • Samsung 850 Pro, 2TB: This is a SATA device and is positioned as consumer-oriented, something that you would use in a high-end user desktop. As of this post, I estimate the price of this device as around $430/TB.
  • Samsung SM8631.92TB: this device is also a SATA, and positioned for a server usage. The current price is about $600/TB. 
  • Samsung PM1725, 800GB: This is an NVMe device, in a 2.5″ form factor, but it requires a connection to a PCIe slot, which I had to allocate in my server. The device is high-end, oriented for server-side and demanding workloads. The current price is about $1300/TB.

I am going to use 1000 warehouses in the 


 benchmarks, which corresponds roughly to a data size of 100GB.

This benchmark varies the


 from 5GB to 115GB. With 5GB buffer pool size only a very small portion of data fits into memory, which results in intensive foreground IO reads and intensive background IO writes. With 115GB almost all data fits into memory, which results in very small (or almost zero) IO reads and moderate background IO writes.

All buffer pool sizes in the middle of the interval correspond to resulting IO reads and writes. For example, we can see the read to write ratio on the chart below (received for the PM1725 device) with different buffer pool sizes:

tpcc-mysql benchmarks

We can see that for the 5GB buffer pool size we have 56000 read IOPs operations and 32000 write IOPs. For 115GB, the reads are minimal at about 300 IOPS and the background writes are at the 20000 IOPs level. Reads gradually decline with the increasing buffer pool size.

The charts are generated with the Percona Monitoring and Management tools.


Let’s review the results. The first chart shows measurements taken every one second, allowing us to see the trends and stalls.

tpcc-mysql benchmarks

If we take averages, the results are:

tpcc-mysql benchmarks

In table form (the results are in new order transactions per minute (NOTPM)):

bp, GB pm1725 sam850 sam863 pm1725 / sam863 pm1725 / sam850
5 42427.57 1931.54 14709.69 2.88 21.97
15 78991.67 2750.85 31655.18 2.50 28.72
25 108077.56 5156.72 56777.82 1.90 20.96
35 122582.17 8986.15 93828.48 1.31 13.64
45 127828.82 12136.51 123979.99 1.03 10.53
55 130724.59 19547.81 127971.30 1.02 6.69
65 131901.38 27653.94 131020.07 1.01 4.77
75 133184.70 38210.94 131410.40 1.01 3.49
85 133058.50 39669.90 131657.16 1.01 3.35
95 133553.49 39519.18 132882.29 1.01 3.38
105 134021.26 39631.03 132126.29 1.01 3.38
115 134037.09 39469.34 132683.55 1.01 3.40


The Samsung 850 obviously can’t keep with the more advanced SM863 and PM1725. The PM1725 shows a greater benefit with smaller buffer pool sizes. In cases using large amounts of memory, there is practically no difference with SM863. The reason is that with big buffer pool sizes, MySQL does not push IO subsystem much to use all the PM1725 performance.

For the reference, my.cnf file is

# general
table_open_cache = 200000
# files
# buffers
innodb_buffer_pool_size= 200G
# tune
innodb_doublewrite= 1
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit= 1
innodb_stats_persistent = 1
# perf special
innodb_adaptive_flushing = 1
innodb_flush_neighbors = 0
innodb_read_io_threads = 16
innodb_write_io_threads = 8


On-screen guidance startup WalkMe raised $50M led by Insight, now valued around $400M

WhatsApp-Image-20160601 As more people and businesses shift to digital platforms to get things done, a cloud-based platform for making interfaces easier to navigate continues to grow. WalkMe, which helps guide people through confusing or complicated services online, has raised another $50 million in funding at a valuation TechCrunch understands from reliable sources is now around $400 million. The fundraise,… Read More


How Percona tested Percona Server 5.6: A world premiere in advanced testing

8PM. One of the servers found a critical bug. Hop online and discuss, log bug. 10PM. Patch ready. 10:30PM. New build ready. 10:45PM. New RQG run initiated. This was by no means an uncommon sight during the months of testing that went into Percona Server 5.6, in fact it was commonplace.

At a certain point, we had 3 very high end servers (modern cpu’s, heaps of cores and memory), all equipped with either fast SSD’s or Fusion-io flash storage, executing thousands of trials, 8 in parallel per server, each executing 1 to 25 mysql threads per running mysqld instance.

And that was just the final months of testing. Before that much work was done on finding “every last bug out there”. We discovered many bugs in both upstream (Oracle’s MySQL 5.6) and in Percona Server 5.6. I personally logged around 100 bugs, but the total count would be much higher still.

My colleague Laurynas (lead of Percona Server) stated at some point during the testing that Percona Server 5.6 is the most qualitative release we have ever made. I agree wholeheartedly with him, and would add to it that we have also included a long list of upstream bugs present in Oracle’s MySQL 5.6.

During the many months of testing, we would have executed around 15000-20000 individual trial runs in RQG (start mysqld, test, stop mysqld), if not more, and each trial lasting around 5 minutes.

So what is the world premiere mentioned in the title all about you may wonder? During the testing, it became clear (and paramount) that testing the ever growing number of options in both upstream and Percona Server could not proceed as it had in the past.

With 35+ options, each of those to be tested in 2-way and 3-way combinations, and each of those being having multiple valid value settings, the number of combinations quickly became dazzling. “2 Years for testing” is just not an option.

The solution came by starting to use advanced option combinatorics, also called “pairwise testing”. For example, if you test abc (where a,b,c are options), and you are testing 2-way combinations, any other combinations with “bc” or “ab” or “ac” could potentially be excluded from the stream.

For the full article and information on how to get into combinatorics, see here. As far as I know, this was the first time this technique was used (worldwide) for mysqld option testing! It was exhilarating to see that instead of thousands of trials, we eventually only needed 133 trials across 3 build types.

Sidenote: When testing using the RQG, we usually focus on 3 types of Percona Server builds: optimized (the “production” binary), debug (with debug instrumentation activated, enabling us to check more developer asserts etc.), and finally Valgrind (with valgrind instrumentation, enabling us to see if developers made mistakes like forgetting to release memory, etc.)

Besides this extensive RQG testing, Percona relies on a huge Jenkins farm to do much of it’s automated regression and performance check testing. For each code push, we execute thousands of tests across a myriad of OS platforms. Each day, we also do an automated performance sanity check to ensure that server performance did not suddenly drop due to an inadvertent change. Finally, patches to the server are reviewed by two developers.

As you can see, when you use Percona Server 5.6, you can sleep at night, knowing that your database is running on software tested by one of the most advanced testing techniques in use today, as well as having been evaluated by top-notch testing frameworks, and people who care about the quality of their product!

The post How Percona tested Percona Server 5.6: A world premiere in advanced testing appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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