
MySQL shell prompt vs MongoDB shell prompt

Recently Todd Farmer shared an interesting story about the mysql command line prompt in MySQL 5.7: how it was changed to provide more context and why the change was finally reverted. This made me think that after using the command line client for MongoDB for awhile, I would love seeing a much more modern mysql shell prompt. Here are a few examples of what a modern command line client can do.

Add dynamic information to the prompt

If you use replication with MongoDB, you have probably noticed a nice feature of the prompt: it is replication aware. What I mean is that for a standalone instance, the prompt is simply:


When you configure this instance to be the primary of a replica set named RS, the prompt automatically becomes:


and for secondaries, you will see:


And of course if an election is triggered and roles are switched, the prompt is updated accordingly to reflect the change.

Such a feature may not be easily transposed to MySQL as the allowed replication topologies are more flexible: for instance with master-master replication or for chained replication, some servers may be both a master and a slave.

However if you look a bit deeper how the MongoDB shell prompt can be customized, it is very flexible as you can set the prompt variable to the result of any Javascript function. So for instance if you write this:

var prompt=function() {
    return db.getName()+"/"+ISODate().toLocaleTimeString()+"> ";

Your prompt will be changed to something like:


And the change can be persisted by defining the prompt variable in a ~/.mongorc.js file.

If I could do something similar with MySQL, I would for instance be able to know the replication lag of a slave or the uptime of MySQL and so on and so forth. That would be incredibly useful in some situations.

Better help system

Let’s assume I want to manually fail over to a secondary in a MongoDB replica set. I can simply instruct the master that it should no longer be the master. But what is the exact command?

I know that it is because all replica sets functions have this format, so let’s simply open the shell and type rs. and all the available options show up:

> rs.
rs.add(                   rs.constructor            rs.propertyIsEnumerable(  rs.syncFrom(
rs.addArb(                rs.debug                  rs.prototype              rs.toLocaleString(
rs.apply(                 rs.freeze(                rs.reconfig(              rs.toString(
rs.bind(                  rs.hasOwnProperty(        rs.remove(                rs.valueOf(                          rs.slaveOk(
rs.conf(                  rs.initiate(              rs.status(
rs.config(                rs.isMaster(              rs.stepDown(

Here again, I’d love to see something similar with MySQL. For instance each time I need to convert a timestamp to a human readable date, I have to look at the documentation to find the exact function name.

Actually I could have used the built-in help system to find the name of the function, but it is much more convenient to look at the documentation.


What’s your opinion on which new features a modern mysql shell should provide? If many people agree on a set of features, it could be worth filing a feature request to get a better mysql command line client in a future version of MySQL.

The post MySQL shell prompt vs MongoDB shell prompt appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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