
More on OpenStack Live and our talks at OpenStack Summit Vancouver

In April and May, Percona will hold and participate in two OpenStack events: OpenStack Live and the OpenStack Summit. Join our talks at these events in Santa Clara and Vancouver for new insights into the MySQL operations of the core of OpenStack as well as the latest information on MySQL guest instances.

Bay Area OpenStack Live 2015Next week (April 13-14), Percona will host OpenStack Live at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Conveniently located for those in the Bay Area, this two day, user-focused event will cover many core aspects of OpenStack including Nova, Swift, Neutron, and Trove as well as related technologies like Ceph and Docker. (OpenStack Live passes include access to keynotes and the expo hall at the Percona Live MySQL Conference.)

OpenStack Live will be a packed two days with 6 hands-on tutorials, 18 sessions, and keynotes and panel discussions featuring speakers from Facebook, EMC, ObjectRocket, Percona, Yahoo, VMware, Deep Information Sciences, and special guest, Steve Wozniak. Yes, the real Steve Wozniak.

Of course I’m looking forward to my session, “An introduction to Database as a Service with an emphasis on OpenStack using Trove,” with Amrith Kumar, Founder and CTO of Tesora, on Tuesday from 11:30am – 12:20pm in Room 209. Some other topics you shouldn’t miss include:

Tutorial: Deploying, Configuring and Operating OpenStack Trove
Monday, April 13: 9:30am – 12:30pm in Room 203
Amrith Kumar (Tesora) and Sriram Kalyanasundaram (Tesora) will lead a 3 hour hands-on tutorial on Trove DBaaS. It’s rare to get such a focused tutorial on this key component of OpenStack and led by Tesora, major contributors to the Trove project. If you are even considering implementing Trove for your cloud, this is a must-attend class.

Tutorial: How to Get Your Groove on with OpenStack Swift Object Storage
Monday, April 13: 1:30pm – 4:30pm in Room 204
John Dickinson (OpenStack Swift), Manzoor Brar (SwiftStack), and Sergei Glushenko (Percona) will lead the audience on a journey into Swift, OpenStack’s object store project. John, the Swift “Project Team Lead” (PTL), and Manzoor will show you how to deploy a Swift cluster, use it with real applications, and, with the assistance of Sergei from Percona, how to properly backup MySQL databases to a Swift cluster.

Sessions which I’d recommend attending are:

Session: MySQL and OpenStack deep dive
Tuesday, April 14: 11:30am – 12:20pm in Room 204
Peter Boros (Percona)

Session: Deploying a OpenStack Cloud at Scale at Time Warner Cable
Tuesday, April 14: 1:20pm – 2:10pm in Room 203
Matthew Fischer (Time Warner Cable), Clayton O’Neill (Time Warner Cable)

Session: Designing a highly resilient Network Infrastructure for OpenStack Clouds
Tuesday, April 14: 3:50pm – 4:40pm in Room 203
Pere Monclus (PLUMgrid)

This is only a small sample of the tutorials and talks which you will hear at OpenStack Live. If you’re in the Bay Area next week and are interested in OpenStack or just want to learn more about some of the core components, register today to join us in Santa Clara from April 13-14. It will be well worth the investment.

As a reminder, getting the most out of all tutorials at OpenStack Live requires that you bring your own laptop and are ready to dig into the technologies. Review the session descriptions for any materials that should be downloaded or installed prior to the event.

Talks at OpenStack Summit Vancouver

Next month, Percona will join thousands in Vancouver for the next OpenStack Summit. In addition to helping those developing and running OpenStack to operate, optimize, and achieve high availability of the MySQL core, Percona MySQL experts will speak in two sessions.

Deep Dive into MySQL replication with OpenStack Trove, and Kilo
George Lorch (Percona) and Amrith Kumar (Tesora) will present an in depth exploration of MySQL replication with Trove and Kilo capabilities. This is a great way for anyone interested in OpenStack DBaaS to find out the latest information.

Core Services MySQL Database Backup and Recovery to Swift
Most OpenStack services rely heavily on MySQL, but how do you mitigate data loss in the event of a failed upgrade or unplanned outage? Kenny Gryp (Percona) and Chris Nelson (SwiftStack), experts in MySQL and storage, will discuss this challenge and provide advice and strategies for a fast, complete recovery from highly available storage sources.

The team from Percona will again be found in the exhibit hall at booth T37. We’re looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones that rely on Percona software, such as the Galera-based Percona XtraDB Cluster and Percona XtraBackup, in their OpenStack clouds.

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Getting started guide for OpenStack contributors

So you want to contribute to OpenStack? I can help!

For the last year or so I have been involved with OpenStack and more specifically the Trove (DBaaS) project as sort of an ambassador for Percona, contributing bits of knowledge, help and debugging wherever I could and thought I would share some of my experience with others that wanted to get involved with OpenStack development, documentation, testing, etc. Getting started with OpenStack contributions is also the idea behind my talk next month at Percona OpenStack Live 2015. (Percona Live attendees have access to OpenStack Live)

Back at the last OpenStack Conference and Design Summit in Paris last November, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the two-day OpenStack Upstream Training hosted by Stefano Maffulli, Loic Dachary and several other very kind and generous folks. If you ever find yourself in a position to attend one of these training sessions, I strongly suggest that you take advantage of the opportunity, you will not be disappointed.

Using some of the material from the OpenStack Foundation and a little personal experience, I’m going to go through some of the basics of what you’ll need to know if you want to contribute. There are several steps but they are mostly painless:

– It all starts with a little bit of legal work such as signing a either an individual or corporate contributor agreement.

– You will need to decide on a project or projects that you want to contribute to. Chances are that you already have one in mind.

– Find the various places where other contributors to that project hang out, usually there is a mailing list and IRC channel. Logon, introduce yourself, make some friends and sit and listen to what they are working on. Find the PTL (Project Team Lead) and remember his/her name. Let him/her know who you are, who you work for, what you are interested in, etc. Sit in on their meetings, ask questions but don’t be a pest. Observe a little etiquette, be polite and humble and you will reap many rewards later on.

– Eventually you will need to find and get the code and install whatever tools are necessary for that project, build it, stand up a test/working environment, play with it and understand what the various moving parts are. Ask more questions, etc.

– Do you think you are ready to do some coding and submit a patch? Talk to the PTL and get a lightweight bug or maybe a documentation task to work on.

– In order to submit a patch you will need to understand the workflow use the OpenStack gerrit review system which takes a little bit of time to understand if you have never used gerrit before. You’ll need to find and install git-review. Here is where making friends above really helps out. In every project there are usually going to be a few folks around with the time and patience to help you work through your first review.

– Find a bit of a mentor to help you with the mechanics in case you run into trouble, could just be the PTL if he/she has the time, make your patch, send it in and work through the review process.

– As with most peer review situations, you’ll need to remember never to take things personally. A negative review comment is not an insult to you and your family! Eventually your patch will either be accepted and merged upstream (yay!) or rejected and possibly abandoned in favor of some alternative (boo!). If rejected, fret not! Talk to the PTL and your new friends to try and understand the reason why if the review comments were unclear and simply try again.

It is that easy!

Come join me on Tuesday, April 14th in Santa Clara, California and we’ll chat about how you can begin contributing to OpenStack.

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OpenStack Live 2015: Sneak peak of the April conference

On behalf of the OpenStack Live Conference Committee, I am excited to announce the sneak peek schedule for the inaugural OpenStack Live 2015 Conference! This new annual conference, running in parallel with the already established Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo, will feature one day of tutorials followed by a full day of breakout sessions April 13-14, in Santa Clara, Calif.

Though the entire conference schedule won’t be finalized until early January, this initial list of talks is sure to spark interest! So without further ado, here is he OpenStack Live 2015 SNEAK PEEK SCHEDULE!

Deploying an OpenStack Cloud at Scale at Time Warner Cable
-Matthew Fischer, Principal Software Engineer for OpenStack DevOps at Time Warner Cable, and Clayton O’Neill, Principal Software Engineer for OpenStack Cloud at Time Warner Cable

An Introduction to Database as a Service with an Emphasis on OpenStack Using Trove
-Amrith Kumar, Founder and CTO of Tesora, Inc., and Tushar Katarki, Director of Product Management at Percona

Lightweight OpenStack Benchmarking Service with Rally and Docker
-Swapnil Kulkarni, Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat

MySQL and OpenStack Deep Dive
-Peter Boros, Principal Architect at Percona

OpenStack Live 2015: Sneak peak of the April conferenceThis is just a small taste of what will be presented at OpenStack Live 2015 conference this spring. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear from leading experts in the field about top cloud strategies, improving overall cloud performance, and operational best practices for managing and optimizing OpenStack and its MySQL database core.

As a special bonus, OpenStack Live attendees attendees will also have access to the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo keynotes, receptions, exhibition hall, and Birds of a Feather sessions on April 13 and 14, allowing them to dive deeper into MySQL topics such as high availability, security, performance optimization, and much more.

Registration for OpenStack Live 2015 is now open… register now with Early Bird pricing! Hope to see you there!

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Schema changes in MySQL for OpenStack Trove users

People using OpenStack Trove instances can hit a common issue in the MySQL world: how to perform schema change operations while minimizing the impact on the database server? Let’s explore the options that can allow online schema changes.


Schema changes in MySQL for OpenStack Trove usersWith MySQL 5.5, pt-online-schema-change from Percona Toolkit is your best option for large tables while regular ALTER TABLE statements are only acceptable for small tables. Also beware of metadata locks.

With MySQL 5.6, almost all types of schema changes can be done online. Metadata locks can also be an issue. pt-online-schema-change can still be worth using as it is also online on read replicas.

Regular ALTER TABLE with MySQL 5.5

If you are still using MySQL 5.5, almost all schema changes will require a table rebuild and MySQL will set a write lock. Therefore all writes to the table that gets modified will be blocked. As soon as the table gets large or if you cannot afford to have a maintenance window, using ALTER TABLE becomes tricky.

The only exception is that secondary indexes can be added or removed without rebuilding the whole table. The table is still write locked during the operation but it is much faster.

You can spot this ‘fast index creation’ process by looking at SHOW PROCESSLIST (see manage keys in the State field):

| Id | User | Host      | db     | Command | Time | State       | Info                                    | Rows_sent | Rows_examined | Rows_read |
|  1 | root | localhost | sbtest | Query   |    4 | manage keys | alter table sbtest2 add index idx_k (k) |         0 |             0 |         0 |

It is helpful for small or even medium tables, but it is not fast enough for large tables.

A common workaround when you have a master-slave configuration is to perform the schema change on the slave first, promote the slave and then perform the schema change on the old master. However replication is not only available if you are using Icehouse and even with Juno, replicas are read-only. So this workaround is not usable with Trove.


A good alternative is to use pt-online-schema-change. In a nutshell the tool creates a new table with the desired structure, creates triggers on the original table, and copies rows in chunks from the original table to the new table.

Nice features of the tool include being able to write to the original table while the schema change is being performed (hence the name of the tool), monitoring replication lag on slaves and automatic throttling to keep lag under a reasonable threshold.

Let’s assume you want to add a new field called ‘city’ in the ‘user’ table. Instead of running:

mysql> ALTER TABLE mydb.user ADD city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

you will run:

# pt-online-schema-change --progress=percentage,10 --alter="ADD city VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''" h=localhost,u=root,D=mydb,t=user --execute

All ALTER TABLE statements can be converted to an equivalent pt-online-schema-change command.

Is there any tradeoff? The first one is that pt-online-schema-change will be slower than a plain ALTER TABLE. This is expected as the tool has extra code to throttle itself if it adds too much load.

How much slower is it? As always it depends. On a lightly loaded server the difference will be minimal, for instance I measured 3mn24s for ALTER TABLE and 3mn30s for pt-online-schema-change on a test table. However on a heavily loaded server, it can be like 5x slower.

The second tradeoff is that pt-online-schema-change adds triggers on the original table to capture data change. So if you already have triggers, you can’t use the tool (this will be lifted in MySQL 5.7).

Metadata Locks

Metadata locks were introduced in MySQL 5.5 for better transaction isolation.

But one side effect is: if you start a schema change operation on a table while another transaction is reading or writing on the same table, ALTER TABLE will be stuck in the Waiting for metadata lock state.

Another negative side effect of metadata locks is that in some situations ALTER TABLE will also block all queries to the table that is being altered, even reads. In the worst cases, this may create a query pileup situation that will freeze the whole server. For more on this topic, have a look at this post.

What about pt-online-schema-change and metadata locks? It is of course hit by this issue/feature. However the good thing is that the timeout for metadata locks is set by the tool to 60s instead of the default 1 year. So after 60s, pt-online-schema-change will simply retry the operation that failed because of metadata locks.

MySQL 5.6: Online Schema Changes?

Metadata locks also exist with MySQL 5.6, the same issues as described above can then happen.

However the good news with MySQL 5.6 is that most schema changes can be done online. Now the question is: should you use pt-online-schema-change or a regular online ALTER TABLE statement?

Both have pros and cons:

  • ALTER TABLE is easy to use while being confident with pt-online-schema-change requires some time.
  • There is no way for ALTER TABLE to know if it’s overloading a replica while pt-online-schema-change monitors replication lag and throttles itself if needed.
  • ALTER TABLE is only online for the master, not for replicas while pt-online-schema-change is online for all servers.

The last point can be a bit confusing: why an online ALTER TABLE on the master wouldn’t be online on the slave as well? The truth is that unless you are using multi-threaded replication, writes on slaves are serialized. So while the ALTER TABLE is running, the slave will not process any other write, which is not much different from an offline ALTER TABLE.

So if you are running a single server (all Icehouse users for instance), ALTER TABLE is probably the right choice. But if you have read replicas and specifically if the application cannot tolerate replication lag, pt-online-schema-change is definitely a better choice.


Performing schema changes is becoming easier with newer versions of MySQL. However potential issues can be found with any version, so always be careful when you need to run ALTER TABLE.

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Q&A: Percona XtraDB Cluster as a MySQL HA solution for OpenStack

Thanks to all who attended my Nov. 12 webinar titled, “Percona XtraDB Cluster as a MySQL HA Solution for OpenStack.” I had several questions which I covered at the end and a few that I didn’t. You can view the entire webinar and download the slides here.

Q&A: Percona XtraDB Cluster as a MySQL HA solution for OpenstackQ: Is the read,write speed reduced in Galera compared to normal MySQL?

For reads, it’s the same (unless you use the sync_wait feature, used to be called causal reads).

For writes, the cost of replication (~1 RTT to the worst node), plus the cost of certification will be added to each transaction commit.  This will have a non-trivial impact on your write performance, for sure.  However, I believe most OpenStack meta store use cases should not suffer overly by this performance penalty.

Q: Does state transfers affect a continuing transaction within the nodes?

Mostly, no.  The joining node will queue ongoing cluster replication while receiving its state transfer and use that to do its final ‘catchup’.  The node donating the state transfer may get locked briefly during a full SST, which could temporarily block writes on that node.  If you use the built-in clustercheck (or check the same things it checks), you can avoid this by diverting traffic away from a donor.

Q: Perhaps not the correct webinar for this question, but I was also expecting to hear something about using PXC in combination with OpenStack Trove. If you’ve got time, could you tell something about that?

Trove has not supported the concept of more than a single SQL target.  My understanding is a recent improvement here for MongoDB setups may pave the way for more robust Trove instances backed by Percona XtraDB Cluster.

Q: For Loadbalancing using the Java Mysql driver, would you suggest HA proxy or the loadbalancing connection in the java driver. Also how does things work in case of persistent connections and connection pools like dbcp?

Each node in a PXC cluster is just a mysql server that can handle normal mysql connections.  Obviously if a node fails, it’s easy to detect that you should probably not keep using that node, but in Percona XtraDB Cluster you need to watch out for things like cluster partitions where nodes lose quorum and stop taking queries (but still allow connections)  I believe it’s possible to configure advanced connection pooling setups to properly health check the nodes (unless the necessary features are not in the pool implementation), but I don’t have a reference architecture to point you to.

Q: Are there any manual solutions to avoid deadlocks within a high write context to force a query to execute on all nodes?

Yes, write to a single node, at least for the dataset that has high write volume.

Remember what I said in the webinar:  you can only update a given row once per RTT, so there’s an upper cap of throughput on the smallest locking granularity in InnoDB (i.e., a single row).

This manifests itself in two possible ways:

1) In a multi-node writing cluster by triggering deadlocks on conflicts.  Only approximately 1 transaction modifying a given row per RTT would NOT receive a deadlock

2) In a single-node writing cluster by experiencing longer lock waits.  Transaction times (and subsequently lock times) are extended by the replication and certification time, so other competing transactions will lock wait until the blocking transaction commit. There are no replication conflict deadlocks in this case, but the net effect is exactly the same:  only 1 transaction per row per RTT.

Galera offers us high data redundancy at the cost of some throughput.  If that doesn’t work for your workload, then asynchronous replication (or perhaps semi-sync in 5.7) will work better for you.

Note that there is wsrep_retry_autocommit.  However, this only works for autocommited transactions.  If your write volume was so high that you need to increase this a lot to get the conflict rate down, you are likely sacrificing a lot of CPU power (rollbacks are expensive in Innodb!) if a single transaction needs multiple retries to commit.  This still doesn’t get around the law:  1 trx per row per RTT at best.

That was all of the questions. Be sure to check out our next OpenStack webinar on December 10 by my colleague Peter Boros. It’s titled “MySQL and OpenStack Deep Dive” and you can register here (and like all of our webinars, it’s free). I also invite you to visit our OpenStack Live 2015 page and learn more about that conference in Santa Clara, California this coming April 13-14. The Call for Papers ends Nov. 16 and speakers get a full-access conference pass. I hope to see you there!

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OpenStack Live Call for Proposals closes November 16

OpenStack Live 2015: Call for speakers open through Nov. 9The OpenStack Live conference in Silicon Valley (April 13-14, 2015) will emphasize the essential elements of making OpenStack perform better with emphasis on the critical role of MySQL and Trove. If you use OpenStack and have a story to share or a skill to teach, we encourage you to submit a speaking proposal for a breakout or tutorial session. The OpenStack Live call for proposals is your chance to put your ideas, case studies, best practices and technical knowledge in front of an intelligent, engaged audience of OpenStack Users. If you are selected as a speaker, you will receive one complimentary full conference pass. November 16th is the last day to submit.

We are seeking submissions for both breakout and tutorial sessions on the following topics:

  • Performance Optimization of OpenStack
  • OpenStack Operations
  • OpenStack Trove
  • Replication and Backup for OpenStack
  • High Availability for OpenStack
  • OpenStack User Stories
  • Monitoring and Tools for OpenStack

All submissions will be reviewed by our highly qualified Conference Committee:

  • Mark Atwood from HP
  • Rich Bowen from Red Hat
  • Andrew Mitty from Comcast
  • Jason Rouault from Time Warner
  • Peter Boros from Percona

If you don’t plan to submit a speaking proposal, now is a great time to purchase your ticket at the low Super Saver rates. Visit the OpenStack Live 2015 conference website for full details.

OpenStack Live 2015 April 13-14

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Percona at AWS re:Invent and events around the world

November is a busy month of events for Percona. Conferences in Moscow, London, Paris, Las Vegas, Buenos Aires, and Montevideo mean our experts are racking up the frequent flyer miles meeting users of Percona software from around the world, sharing our insights on MySQL performance and operations, and learning how others are growing and scaling their applications.

Percona started the month in Moscow attending and speaking at Highload++. This event from October 31 to November 1 welcomed thousands of experts from the biggest and brightest companies in Europe and around the world with a keen interest in developing large scale web applications.

From Moscow we traveled to London to host the annual Percona Live London event from November 3-4. If you missed the keynotes, tutorials, sessions, and general MySQL camaraderie, we’re meeting again April 13-16, 2015, in Santa Clara, CA, at the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo, the premier event for the rich and diverse MySQL ecosystem. Based on growing demand, we’ve expanded the conference with OpenStack Live, a unique event for learning key considerations for cloud strategies, how to improve overall performance, and operational best practices for managing OpenStack and maximizing the MySQL core. The Call for Papers for both Percona Live and OpenStack Live close soon so submit your speaker proposals today!

The next stop was Paris to attend, exhibit, and speak at the OpenStack Summit. This event, which ran from November 3-7, drew over 4,000 developers, users, and administrators of OpenStack cloud software seeking to learn about the technology and plan future development. Percona is pleased to play a part in the OpenStack community by participating in the Trove project for DBaaS as well as supporting those that need help with the MySQL core of the technology. In their keynote presentation, Time Warner Cable even featured Percona as a key partner helping them to radically change their business using OpenStack.

Percona at AWS re:Invent and events around the worldThis week we’re in Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent at The Venetian running from November 11-14. AWS re:Invent will welcome thousands of developers and operations experts interested in maximizing the power of cloud infrastructure. We want to meet organizations that are creating applications on the Amazon Web Services platform using MySQL and Percona open source software.

Visit us in the Venetian Expo Hall at booth 553 by the Developer Lounge and tell us about your application. We’ll be located next to Heroku and the team from Atlassian. Stop by and enter for a chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9!

After Las Vegas, Percona MySQL experts will be speaking at two more events, both in South America.

At the MySQL, NoSQL and Cloud 2014 Latin America Conference, Percona Support Engineer Marcos Albe, Percona Consultants Francisco Bordenave and Daniel Guzman, and Senior Remote DBA Max Bubenick will speak on topics ranging from MySQL performance, TokuDB, and best operational practices for database backup and data recovery. At TechMeetup v2014, Percona Consultant Fernando Ipar will lead workshops focused on Big Data Analytics and using the Go programming language. Percona is sponsoring both of these events so visit us at our booths.

We’re looking forward to meeting many users of Percona software as well as some of our customers. If you’re at these events, keep a look out for our team in the Percona shirts. Remember to visit us at AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas this week at booth 553 and enter our drawing to win a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9!

Expect more posts soon about all of our presentations at these events so stay tuned.

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Backup and restore of MySQL to OpenStack Swift

MySQL database usage is popular in OpenStack. Core OpenStack services for Compute (Nova), Storage (Cinder), Neutron (Networking), Image (Glance) and Identity (Keystone) all use MySQL database.

MySQL – as the world’s most popular database, runs inside OpenStack Virtual Machines and serves as database backend to OpenStack cloud based applications. The MySQL instances can be configured to run in virtual machines manually (by simply installing MySQL inside a VM and running it) or can be created in an on-demand fashion by OpenStack Database-as-a-Service (Trove).

In either case, the MySQL data is mission-critical. OpenStack cloud administrators and cloud guests/tenants need the ability to backup and restore their MySQL databases. mysqldump is traditional way of doing MySQL backups and restores. However, based on previous experiences of the MySQL community, it is widely known that mysqldump has limitations especially when it comes to speed of backup and restore as databases grow larger.

Percona XtraBackup overcomes these limitations and enables faster, non-blocking MySQL backups and restores on larger datasets. It also offers other important abilities such as streaming and encryption. It works with MySQL as well as all the variants such as Percona Server and MariaDB. And all this is open source and free. Percona XtraBackup is popular and widely used in the MySQL community. More recently it has seen adoption within OpenStack context. It is at the heart of backup/restore for Rackspace Cloud DbaaS. OpenStack Database-as-a-Service (Trove) implementation uses Percona XtraBackup as a pluggable backend for database backup and restore.

Until now, however, Percona XtraBackup did not have the ability to do streaming backup and restores of MySQL databases to cloud storage targets such as OpenStack Swift or Amazon Web Services S3. xbcloud tool is a new contribution from Percona that changes this. At a basic level, the tool enables MySQL backups to OpenStack Swift.

OpenStack Swift is the Object Service of OpenStack. It offers a high availability data storage platform that scales horizontally and offers disaster recovery of data across multiple datacenters and geographies. It is the default and popular choice for storing backups of infrastructure and tenant data in OpenStack clouds.

How does xbcloud tool work? xbcloud uploads and downloads full or part of xbstream archive to/from OpenStack Swift. So what is xbstream? xbstream is a streaming format available in Percona XtraBackup that overcomes some limitations of traditional archive formats such as tar, cpio and others which did not allow streaming dynamically generated files, for example dynamically compressed files.

Archive uploading will employ multipart upload for Large Objects on Swift. Along with this, the xbstream archive index file will be uploaded which contains list of files and their parts and offsets of those parts in xbstream archive. This index is needed for downloading only part of archive (one or several tables from backups) on demand.

Details of usage and examples follow.


innobackupex --stream=xbstream /tmp | xbcloud [options] put <name>


innobackupex --stream=xbstream --extra-lsndir=/tmp /tmp |
xbcloud put --storage=Swift


xbcloud [options] get <name> [<list-of-files>] | xbstream -x


xbcloud get --storage=Swift
full_backup | xbstream -xv -C /tmp/downloaded_full
innobackupex --apply-log /tmp/downloaded_full
innobackupex --copy-back /tmp/downloaded_full

Interested? Try it out. Percona XtraBackup and xbcloud are open source and free. You can find instructions to download, usage and release notes for PXB 2.3 Alpha (which includes xbcloud) here.

So what is next? We at Percona are excited about the possibilities with this new xbcloud tool and Percona Xtrabackup in general. Our most immediate next steps would be to act on community feedback, address bugs and issues and move towards GA soon.

Beyond that we are looking to enhance xbcloud to support other cloud platforms such as AWS S3 and Google Cloud Engine.

We would love to hear from you on this. You could either leave feedback directly as comments to this post or can file enhancement requests and bugs here.

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MySQL and Openstack deep dive talk at OpenStack Paris Summit (and more!)

MySQL and Openstack deep dive talk at OpenStack Paris Summit (and more!)I will present a benchmarking talk next week (Nov. 4) at the OpenStack Paris Summit with Jay Pipes from Mirantis. In order to be able to talk about benchmarking, we had to be able to set up and tear down OpenStack environments really quickly. For the benchmarks, we are using a deployment on AWS (ironically) where the instances aren’t actually started and the tenant network is not reachable but all the backend operations still happen.

The first performance bottleneck we hit wasn’t at the MySQL level. We used Rally to benchmark the environment. We started 1,000 fake instances with it at the first glance.

The first bottleneck that we saw was neutron-server eating up a single CPU core. We took a deeper look, and saw that neutron-server is utilizing a single core completely. By default, neutron does everything in a single process. After configuring the api workers and the rpc workers, performance became significantly better.

api_workers = 64
rpc_workers = 32

Before adding the options:

u'runner': {u'concurrency': 24, u'times': 1000, u'type': u'constant'}}
| action           | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
| nova.boot_server | 4.125     | 9.336     | 15.547    | 11.795        | 12.362        | 100.0%  | 1000  |
| total            | 4.126     | 9.336     | 15.547    | 11.795        | 12.362        | 100.0%  | 1000  |
Whole scenario time without context preparation:  391.359671831

After adding the options:

u'runner': {u'concurrency': 24, u'times': 1000, u'type': u'constant'}}
| action           | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
| nova.boot_server | 2.821     | 6.958     | 36.826    | 8.165         | 10.49         | 100.0%  | 1000  |
| total            | 2.821     | 6.958     | 36.826    | 8.165         | 10.49         | 100.0%  | 1000  |
Whole scenario time without context preparation:  292.163493156

Stop by our talk at the OpenStack Paris Summit for more details!

In addition to our talk, Percona has two additional speakers at the OpenStack Paris Summit. George Lorch, Percona software engineer, will speak with Vipul Sabhaya of the HP Cloud Platform Services team on “Percona Server Features for OpenStack and Trove Ops.” Tushar Katarki, Percona director of product management, will present a vBrownBag Tech Talk entitled “MySQL High Availability Options for OpenStack.” Percona is exhibiting at the OpenStack Paris Summit conference, as well – stop by booth E20 and say hello!

At Percona, we’re pleased to see the adoption of our open source software by the OpenStack community and we are working actively to develop more solutions for OpenStack users. We also provide Consulting assistance to organizations that are adopting OpenStack internally or are creating commercial services on top of OpenStack.

We are also pleased to introduce the first annual OpenStack Live, a conference focused on OpenStack and Trove, which is April 13 & 14, 2015 in Santa Clara, California. The call for speaking proposals is now open for submissions which will be reviewed by our OpenStack Live Conference Committee (including me!).

The post MySQL and Openstack deep dive talk at OpenStack Paris Summit (and more!) appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Rackspace doubling-down on open-source databases, Percona Server

Rackspace doubling-down on OpenStack TroveFounded in 1998, Rackspace has evolved over the years to address the way customers are using data – and more specifically, databases. The San Antonio-based company is fueling the adoption of cloud computing among organizations large and small.

Today Rackspace is doubling down on open source database technologies. Why? Because that’s where the industry is heading, according to Sean Anderson, Manager of Data Services at Rackspace. The company, he said, created a separate business unit of 100+ employees focused solely on database workloads.

The key technologies under the hood include both relational databases (e.g., MySQL, Percona Server, and MariaDB) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Redis, and Apache Hadoop).

Last July Rackspace added support for Percona Server and MariaDB to their Cloud Databases DBaaS (Database-as-a-Service) product, primarily at the request of application developers who had been requesting more open source database support options.

Matt Griffin, Percona director of product management, and I recently sat down with Sean and his colleague Neha Verma, product manager of Cloud Databases. Our discussion focused on the shift to DBaaS as well as what to expect in the future from Rackspace in terms of Cloud Databases, OpenStack Trove and more.

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Matt: Why did you expand the Cloud Databases product this past summer?
Sean:  We launched cloud databases about a year and a half ago. Since then we’ve rolled feature after feature (backups, monitoring, configuration management, etc…) focused on simplifying our customers life, this backed by Fanatical support has made the product easier to use and more production ready than ever. We understand that features aren’t enough so in addition to all the features we have also made significant improvements to the hardware and network infrastructure. All this means that we’ve been very busy not just expanding the offering but also making the offering simpler to use, more complete and more scalable.

Our vision is to offer a robust platform that with the most popular Big Data, SQL, and NoSQL databases on dedicated, bare metal, and public cloud infrastructure.

Matt: What type of customer is your Cloud Databases offering aimed at?
Sean: Currently we have a variety of customers running multiple Cloud Database instances ranging from customers running a two-month marketing campaign to customers running web applications, ecommerce applications with highly transactional database workloads. Our customers prefer the simplicity and reliability of the service which allows them to focus on their business and not worry about the heavy lifting associated with scaling and managing databases.

Matt: How is your Cloud Databases offering backed-up?
Neha: We use Percona XtraBackup  to perform a hot copy of all databases on a instance and then stream the backups to Cloud Files for storage. A customer can anytime restore the backup to a new instance. Percona XtraBackup is the only option we offer customers right now.

Tom: In terms of security, how do you address customer concerns? Are cloud-based open source databases more secure?
Sean: Data security concerns are at an all-time high and we have a number of up and coming features that continue to address those concerns.   Today we offer a number of unique features specifically Cloud Databases can only be accessed on the private network so the database can only be accessed by systems on your private network. Additionally, we support SSL for communication between user application and database instance so that any data transfer is encrypted in transit.  These features along with the built in user controls and authentication mechanisms help significantly address customers security concerns.  Ultimately Cloud-based open source databases or no more or less secure than any other database, security is about more than features it is about the process and people that build and manage your database and we have those more than covered.

Matt: Is this for production applications or pre-production?
Sean: It’s very much production capable. While there’s a perception that this type of offering would only fit for use cases around test or dev, the truth is we are running hundreds of very large, fully managed instances of MySQL on the cloud. We don’t make any delineation between production or pre-production. However, we’re definitely seeing more and more production workloads come onto the service as people are getting educated on the development work that we’ve done around adding these new features. Replication and monitoring are the two most popular right now.

Matt: How are people accessing and using it?
Sean: A majority of our users either access the database via the Control Panel, API or a command-line utility.

Matt: Since the launch, how has the reaction been?
Sean: The reaction from the press standpoint has been very positive. When we talk with industry analysts they see our commitment to open source and where we are going with this.

OpenStack_PerconaTom: How committed is Rackspace to OpenStack?
Sean: We all live in OpenStack. We have tons of Rackers heading to the upcoming OpenStack Paris Summit in November. We’re looking forward to many years of contributing to the OpenStack community.

Tom: Last April, Rackspace hosted several sessions on OpenStack and Trove at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2014 in Santa Clara, Calif. What are you looking forward to most at Percona Live 2015?
Sean: For us, Percona Live is about listening to the MySQL community. It’s our best opportunity each year to actually setup shop and get to learn what’s top of mind for them. We then can take that information and develop more towards that direction.

Tom: And as you know we’re also launching “OpenStack Live” to run parallel to the Percona Live MySQL conference. OpenStack Live 2015 runs April 13-14 and will emphasize the essential elements of making OpenStack work better with emphasis on the critical role of MySQL and the value of Trove. I look forward to hearing the latest news from Rackspace at both events.

Thanks Sean and Neha for speaking with us and I look forward to seeing you this coming April in Santa Clara at Percona Live and OpenStack Live!

On a related note, I’ll also be attending Percona Live London (Nov. 3-4) where we’ll have sessions on OpenStack Trove and everything MySQL. If you plan on attending, please join me at the 2014 MySQL Community Dinner (pay-your-own-way) on Nov. 3. (Register here to reserve your spot at the Community Dinner because space will be limited. You do not need to attend Percona Live London to join the dinner).

The post Rackspace doubling-down on open-source databases, Percona Server appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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