
Webinar Tues 19/6: MySQL: Scaling and High Availability – Production Experience from the Last Decade(s)

scale high availability

scale high availability
Please join Percona’s CEO, Peter Zaitsev as he presents MySQL: Scaling and High Availability – Production Experience Over the Last Decade(s) on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 at 7:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).


Percona is known as the MySQL performance experts. With over 4,000 customers, we’ve studied, mastered and executed many different ways of scaling applications. Percona can help ensure your application is highly available. Come learn from our playbook, and leave this talk knowing your MySQL database will run faster and more optimized than before.

Register Now

About Peter Zaitsev, CEO

Peter Zaitsev co-founded Percona and assumed the role of CEO in 2006. As one of the foremost experts on MySQL strategy and optimization, Peter leveraged both his technical vision and entrepreneurial skills to grow Percona from a two-person shop to one of the most respected open source companies in the business. With over 140 professionals in 30 plus countries, Peter’s venture now serves over 3000 customers – including the “who’s who” of internet giants, large enterprises and many exciting startups. Percona was named to the Inc. 5000 in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Peter was an early employee at MySQL AB, eventually leading the company’s High Performance Group. A serial entrepreneur, Peter co-founded his first startup while attending Moscow State University where he majored in Computer Science. Peter is a co-author of High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, and Replication, one of the most popular books on MySQL performance. Peter frequently speaks as an expert lecturer at MySQL and related conferences, and regularly posts on the Percona Database Performance Blog. He has also been tapped as a contributor to Fortune and DZone, and his recent ebook Practical MySQL Performance Optimization Volume 1 is one of percona.com’s most popular downloads. Peter lives in North Carolina with his wife and two children. In his spare time, Peter enjoys travel and spending time outdoors.

The post Webinar Tues 19/6: MySQL: Scaling and High Availability – Production Experience from the Last Decade(s) appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Tuning PostgreSQL for sysbench-tpcc

PostgreSQL benchmark

tuning PostgreSQL performance for sysbench-tpccPercona has a long tradition of performance investigation and benchmarking. Peter Zaitsev, CEO and Vadim Tkachenko, CTO, led their crew into a series of experiments with MySQL in this space. The discussion that always follows on the results achieved is well known and praised even by the PostgreSQL community. So when Avi joined the team and settled at Percona just enough to get acquainted with my colleagues, sure enough one of the first questions they asked him was: “did you know sysbench-tpcc also works with PostgreSQL now ?!“. 


sysbench is “a scriptable multi-threaded benchmark tool based on LuaJIT (…) most frequently used for database benchmarks“, created and maintained by Alexey Kopytov. It’s been around for a long time now and has been a main reference for MySQL benchmarking since its inception. One of the favorites of Netflix’ Brendan Gregg, we now know. You may remember Sveta Smirnova and Alexander Korotkov’s report on their experiments in Millions of Queries per Second: PostgreSQL and MySQL’s Peaceful Battle at Today’s Demanding Workloads here. In fact, that post may serve as a nice prelude for the tests we want to show you today. It provides a good starting point as a MySQL vs PostgreSQL performance comparison.

The idea behind Sveta and Alexander’s experiments was “to provide an honest comparison for the two popular RDBMSs“, MySQL and PostgreSQL, using “the same tool, under the same challenging workloads and using the same configuration parameters (where possible)“. Since neither pgbench nor sysbench would work effectively with MySQL and PostgreSQL for both writes and reads they attempted to port pgbench‘s workload as a sysbench benchmark. 


More recently, Vadim came up with an implementation of the famous TPC-C workload benchmark for sysbench, sysbench-tpcc. He has since published a series of tests using Percona Server and MySQL, and worked to make it compatible with PostgreSQL too. For real now, hence the request that awaited us.

Our goal this time was less ambitious than Sveta and Alexander’s. We wanted to show you how we setup PostgreSQL to perform optimally for sysbench-tpcc, highlighting the settings we tuned the most to accomplish this. We ran our tests on the same box used by Vadim in his recent experiments with Percona Server for MySQL and MySQL.

A valid benchmark – benchmark rules

Before we present our results we shall note there are several ways to speed up database performance. You may for example disable full_page_writes, which would make a server crash unsafe, and use a minimalistic wal_level mode, which would block replication capability. These would speed things up but at the expense of reliability, making the server inappropriate for production usage.

For our benchmarks, we made sure we had all the necessary parameters in place to satisfy the following:

  1. ACID Compliance
  2. Point-in-time-recovery
  3. WALs usable by Replica/Slave for Replication
  4. Crash Recovery
  5. Frequent Checkpointing to reduce time for Crash Recovery
  6. Autovacuum

When we initially prepared sysbench-tpcc with PostgreSQL 10.3 the database size was 118 GB. By the time we completed the test, i.e. after 36000 seconds, the DB size had grown up to 335 GB. We have a total of “only” 256 GB of memory available in this server, however, based on the observations from pg_stat_database, pg_statio_user_tables and pg_statio_user_indexes 99.7% of the blocks were always in-memory:

postgres=# select ((blks_hit)*100.00)/(blks_hit+blks_read) AS “perc_mem_hit” from pg_stat_database where datname like ‘sbtest’;
(1 row)

Hence, we consider it to be an in-memory workload with the whole active data set in RAM. In this post we explain how we tuned our PostgreSQL Instance for an in-memory workload, as was the case here.

Preparing the database before running sysbench

In order to run a sysbench-tpcc, we must first prepare the database to load some data. In our case, as mentioned above, this initial step resulted in a 118 GB database:

postgres=# select datname, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) as "DB_Size" from pg_stat_database where datname = 'sbtest';
 datname | DB_Size
 sbtest  | 118 GB
(1 row)

This may change depending on the arguments used. Here is the actual command we used to prepare the PostgreSQL Database for sysbench-tpcc:

$ ./tpcc.lua --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-db=sbtest --time=120 --threads=56 --report-interval=1 --tables=10 --scale=100 --use_fk=0  --trx_level=RC --db-driver=pgsql prepare

While we were loading the data, we wanted to see if we could speed-up the process. Here’s the customized PostgreSQL settings we used, some of them directly targeted to accelerate the data load:

shared_buffers = 192GB
maintenance_work_mem = '20GB'
wal_level = 'minimal'
autovacuum = 'OFF'
wal_compression = 'ON'
max_wal_size = '20GB'
checkpoint_timeout = '1h'
checkpoint_completion_target = '0.9'
random_page_cost = 1
max_wal_senders = 0
full_page_writes = ON
synchronous_commit = ON

We’ll discuss most of these parameters in the sections that follow, but we would like to highlight two of them here. We increased maintenance_work_mem to speed  up index creation and max_wal_size to delay checkpointing further, but not too much — this is a write-intensive phase after all. Using these parameters it took us 33 minutes to complete the prepare stage compared with 55 minutes when using the default parameters. 

If you are not concerned about crash recovery or ACID, you could turn off full_page_writes, fsync and synchrnous_commit. That would speed up the data load much more. 

Running a manual VACUUM ANALYZE after sysbench-tpcc’s initial prepare stage

Once we had prepared the database, as it is a newly created DB Instance, we ran a manual VACUUM ANALYZE on the database (in parallel jobs) using the command below. We employed all the 56 vCPUs available in the server since there was nothing else running in the machine:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/vacuumdb -j 56 -d sbtest -z

Having run a vacuum for the entire database we restarted PostgreSQL and cleared the OS cache before executing the benchmark in “run” mode. We repeated this process after each round.

First attempt with sysbench-tpcc

When we ran sysbench-tpcc for the first time, we observed a resulting TPS of 1978.48 for PostgreSQL with the server not properly tuned, running with default settings. We used the following command to run sysbench-tpcc for PostgreSQL for 10 hours (or 36000 seconds) for all rounds:

./tpcc.lua --pgsql-user=postgres --pgsql-db=sbtest --time=36000 --threads=56 --report-interval=1 --tables=10 --scale=100 --use_fk=0  --trx_level=RC --pgsql-password=oracle --db-driver=pgsql run

PostgreSQL performance tuning of parameters for sysbench-tpcc (crash safe)

After getting an initial idea of how PostgreSQL performed with the default settings and the actual demands of the sysbench-tpcc workload, we began making progressive adjustments in the settings, observing how they impacted the server’s performance. After several rounds we came up with the following list of parameters (all of these satisfy ACID properties):

shared_buffers = '192GB'
work_mem = '4MB'
random_page_cost = '1'
maintenance_work_mem = '2GB'
wal_level = 'replica'
max_wal_senders = '3'
synchronous_commit = 'on'
seq_page_cost = '1'
max_wal_size = '100GB'
checkpoint_timeout = '1h'
synchronous_commit = 'on'
checkpoint_completion_target = '0.9'
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = '0.4'
effective_cache_size = '200GB'
min_wal_size = '1GB'
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = '1000'
bgwriter_lru_multiplier = '10.0'
logging_collector = 'ON'
wal_compression = 'ON'
log_checkpoints = 'ON'
archive_mode = 'ON'
full_page_writes = 'ON'
fsync = 'ON'

Let’s discuss our reasoning behind the tuning of the most important settings:


Defines the amount of memory PostgreSQL uses for shared memory buffers. It’s arguably its most important setting, often compared (for better or worse) to MySQL’s innodb_buffer_pool_size. The biggest difference, if we dare to compare shared_buffers to the Buffer Pool, is that InnoDB bypasses the OS cache to directly access (read and write) data in the underlying storage subsystem whereas PostgreSQL do not.

Does this mean PostgreSQL does “double caching” by first loading data from disk into the OS cache to then make a copy of these pages into the shared_buffers area? Yes.

Does this “double caching” makes PostgreSQL inferior to InnoDB and MySQL in terms of memory management? No. We’ll discuss why that is the case in a follow up blog post. For now it suffice to say the actual performance depends on the workload (mix of reads and writes), the size of the “hot data” (the portion of the dataset that is most accessed and modified) and how often checkpointing takes place.

How we chose the setting for shared_buffers to optimize PostgreSQL performance

Due to these factors, the documented suggested formula of setting shared_buffers to 25% of RAM or the magic number of “8GB” is hardly ideal. What seems to be good reasoning, though, is this:

  • If you can fit the whole of your “hot data” in memory, then dedicating most of your memory to shared_buffers pays off nicely, making PostgreSQL behave as close to an in-memory database as possible.
  • If the size of your “hot data” surpasses the amount of memory you have available in the server, then you’re probably better off working with a much smaller shared_buffers area and relying more on the OS cache.

For this benchmark, considering the options we used, we found that dedicating 75% of all the available memory to shared_buffers is ideal. It is enough to fit the entire “hot data” and still leave sufficient memory for the OS to operate, handle connections and everything else.


This setting defines the amount of memory that can be used by each query (not session) for internal sort operations (such as ORDER BY and DISTINCT), and hash tables (such as when doing hash-based aggregation). Beyond this, PostgreSQL moves the data into temporary disk files. The challenge is usually finding a good balance here. We want to avoid the use of temporary disk files, which slow down query completion and in turn may cause contention. But we don’t want to over-commit memory, which could even lead to OOM; working with high values for work_mem may be destructive when it is not really needed.

We analyzed the workload produced by sysbench-tpcc and found with some surprise that work_mem doesn’t play a role here, considering the queries that were executed. So we kept the default value of 4MB. Please note that this is seldom the case in production workloads, so it is important to always keep an eye on that parameter.


This setting stipulates the cost that a non-sequentially-fetched disk page would have, and directly affects the query planner’s decisions. Going with a conservative value is particularly important when using high latency storage, such as spinning disks. This wasn’t our case, hence we could afford to equalize random_page_cost to seq_page_cost. So, we set this parameter to 1 as well, down from the default value of 4.

wal_level, max_wal_senders and archive_mode

To set up streaming replication wal_level needs to be set to at least “replica” and archive_mode must be enabled. This means the amount of WAL data produced increases significantly compared to when using default settings for these parameters, which in turn impacts IO. However, we considered these with a production environment in mind.


For this workload, we observed total WALs produced of size 3359 GB with wal_compression disabled and 1962 GB with wal_compression. We enabled wal_compression to reduce IO — the amount (and, most importantly, the rate) of WAL files being written to disk — at the expense of some additional CPU cycles. This proved to be very effective in our case as we had a surplus of CPU available.

checkpoint_timeout, checkpoint_completion_target and max_wal_size

We set the checkpoint_timeout to 1 hour and checkpoint_completion_target to 0.9. This means a checkpoint is forced every 1 hour and it has 90% of the time before the next checkpoint to spread the writes. However, a checkpoint is also forced when max_wal_size of WAL’s have been generated. With these parameters for a sysbench-tpcc workload, we saw that there were 3 to 4 checkpoints every 1 hour. This is especially because of the amount of WALs being generated.

In production environments we would always recommend you perform a manual CHECKPOINT before shutting down PostgreSQL in order to allow for a faster restart (recovery) time. In this context, issuing a manual CHECKPOINT took us between 1 and 2 minutes, after which we were able to restart PostgreSQL in just about 4 seconds. Please note that in our testing environment, taking time to restart PostgreSQL was not a concern, so working with this checkpoint rate benefited us. However, if you cannot afford a couple of minutes for crash recovery it is always suggested to force checkpointing to take place more often, even at the cost of some degraded performance.

full_page_writes, fsync and synchronous_commit

We set all of these parameters to ON to satisfy ACID properties.


We enabled autovacuum and other vacuum settings to ensure vacuum is being performed in the backend. We will discuss the importance of maintaining autovacuum enabled in a production environment, as well as the danger of doing otherwise, in a separate post. 

Amount of WAL’s (Transaction Logs) generated after 10 hours of sysbench-tpcc

Before we start to discuss the numbers it is important to highlight that we enabled wal_compression before starting sysbench. As we mentioned above, the amount of WALs generated with wal_compression set to OFF was more than twice the amount of WALs generated when having compression enabled. We observed that enabling wal_compression resulted in an increase in TPS of 21%. No wonder, the production of WALs has an important impact on IO: so much so that it is very common to find PostgreSQL servers with a dedicated storage for WALs only. Thus, it is important to highlight the fact wal_compression may benefit write-intensive workloads by sparing IO at the expense of additional CPU usage.

To find out the total amount of WALs generated after 10 Hours, we took note at the WAL offset from before we started the test and after the test completed:

WAL Offset before starting the sysbench-tpcc ? 2C/860000D0
WAL Offset after 10 hours of sysbench-tpcc   ? 217/14A49C50

and subtracted one from the other using pg_wal_lsn_diff, as follows:

postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_wal_lsn_diff('217/14A49C50','2C/860000D0'));
1962 GB
(1 row)

1962 GB of WALs is a fairly big amount of transaction logs produced over 10 hours, considering we had enabled wal_compression .

We contemplated making use of a separate disk to store WALs to find out by how much more a dedicated storage for transaction logs would benefit overall performance. However, we wanted to keep using the same hardware Vadim had used for his previous tests, so decided against this.

Crash unsafe parameters

Setting full_page_writes, fsync and synchronous_commit to OFF may speed up the performance but it is always crash unsafe unless we have enough backup in place to consider these needs. For example, if you are using a COW FileSystem with Journaling, you may be fine with full_page_writes set to OFF. This may not be true 100% of the time though.

However, we still want to share the results with the crash unsafe parameters mentioned in the paragraph above as a reference.

Results after 10 Hours of sysbench-tpcc for PostgreSQL with default, crash safe and crash unsafe parameters

Here are the final numbers we obtained after running sysbench-tpcc for 10 hours considering each of the scenarios above:



Default / Untuned


Tuned (crash safe)


Tuned (crash unsafe)


Did we expect to get these numbers? Yes and no.

Certainly we expected a properly tuned server would outperform one running with default settings considerably but we can’t say we expected it to be almost three times better (2.899). With PostgreSQL making use of the OS cache it is not always the case that tuning shared_buffers in particular will make such a dramatic difference. By comparison, tuning MySQL’s InnoDB Buffer Pool almost always makes a difference. For PostgreSQL high performance it depends on the workload. In this case for sysbench-tpcc benchmarks, tuning shared_buffers definitely makes a difference.

On the other hand experiencing an additional order of magnitude faster (4x), when using crash unsafe settings, was not much of a surprise.

Here’s an alternative view of the results of our PostgreSQL insert performance tuning benchmarks:

Sysbench-TPCC with PostgreSQL

What did you think about this experiment? Please let us know in the comments section below and let’s get the conversation going.

Hardware spec

  • Supermicro server:
    • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz
    • 2 sockets / 28 cores / 56 threads
    • Memory: 256GB of RAM
    • Storage: SAMSUNG  SM863 1.9TB Enterprise SSD
    • Filesystem: ext4/xfs
  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4, kernel 4.13.0-36-generic
  • PostgreSQL: version 10.3
  • sysbench-tpcc: https://github.com/Percona-Lab/sysbench-tpcc

The post Tuning PostgreSQL for sysbench-tpcc appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Webinar Wednesday 4/12: Tuning MongoDB Consistency

Tuning MongoDB

Tuning MongoDBPlease join Percona’s Senior Technical Operations Architect Tim Vaillancourt as he presents Tuning MongoDB Consistency on April 12, 2017 at 10:00 am PDT /
1:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

 Welcome to part two of Percona’s tuning series. In our previous webinar, we mentioned some of the best practices for MongoDB tuning. What if you still need better performance after following the tuning advice in the first webinar? Part two takes a closer look at some of the some of the other options to consider when tuning queries.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Consistency, atomicity and isolation in MongoDB
  • Replica set rollbacks, and the risks to your data
  • Integrity vs. scalability tradeoffs to consider during development
  • Using read concerns and write concerns to tune your application data consistency
  • When to use Read Preference, and the tradeoffs of doing so
  • Tuning your MongoDB deployment and server configuration for data integrity/consistency
  • Performing cluster-wide consistent backups

By the end of the webinar you will have a better understanding of how to use MongoDB’s features to achieve a required balance of consistency and scalability.

Register for the webinar here.

Timothy Vaillancourt, Senior Technical Operations Architect

Tim joined Percona in 2016 as Sr. Technical Operations Architect for MongoDB with a goal to make the operations of MongoDB as smooth as possible. With experience operating infrastructures in industries such as government, online marketing/publishing, SaaS and gaming, combined with experience tuning systems from the hard disk all the way up to the end-user, Tim has spent time in nearly every area of the modern IT stack with many lessons learned.

Tim is based in Amsterdam, NL and enjoys traveling, coding and music. Before Percona Tim was the Lead MySQL DBA of Electronic Arts’ DICE studios, helping some of the largest games in the world (“Battlefield” series, “Mirrors Edge” series, “Star Wars: Battlefront”) launch and operate smoothly while also leading the automation of MongoDB deployments for EA systems. Before the role of DBA at EA’s DICE studio, Tim served as a subject matter expert in NoSQL databases, queues and search on the Online Operations team at EA SPORTS. Before moving to the gaming industry, Tim served as a Database/Systems Admin operating a large MySQL-based SaaS infrastructure at AbeBooks/Amazon Inc.


Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Øystein Grøvlen — How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance

Percona Live Featured Tutorial

Percona Live Featured TutorialWelcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Øystein Grøvlen, Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle. His tutorial is on How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance. SQL query performance plays a big role in application performance. If some queries execute slowly, these queries or the database schema may need tuning. I had a chance to speak with Øystein and learn a bit more about the MySQL query tuning:

Percona: How did you get into database technology? What do you love about it?

Øystein: I got into database technology during my Ph.D. studies. I got in touch with a research group in Trondheim, Norway, that did research on highly available distributed database systems. I ended up writing a thesis on query processing in such database systems.

What I love most about my job on the MySQL Optimizer Team is that it involves a lot of problem-solving. Why is a query so slow? What can we do to improve it? I have always been very interested in sports results and statistics. Working with query execution times gives me much of the same feeling. Searching for information is another interest of mine, and that is really what query execution is about.

Percona: What impacts database performance the most?

Øystein: From my point of view – mainly concerned with the performance of read-only queries – the most important performance metric is how much data needs to be accessed in order to answer a query. For update-intensive workloads, it is often about concurrency issues. For SELECT statements, the main thing is to not access more data than necessary.

Users should make sure to design their database schema so that the database system can efficiently access the needed data. This includes creating the right indexes. As MySQL developers, we need to develop the right algorithms to support efficient retrieval. We also need to provide a query optimizer that can pick the best query execution plan.

Of course, there are other performance aspects that are important. Especially if your data cannot fit in your database buffer pool. In that case, the order in which you access the data becomes more important. The best query plan when your data is disk-bound is not necessarily the same as when all data is in memory.

Percona: Your tutorial is called “How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance.” What are the most recent MySQL updates that help with tuning queries?

Øystein: I think the biggest improvements came in MySQL 5.6, with increased observability through performance schema and new variants of
EXPLAIN (Structured EXPLAIN (JSON format) and visual EXPLAIN in MySQL Workbench). We also added Optimizer Trace, which gives insight into how the optimizer arrived at a certain query plan. All this made it easier to identify queries that need tuning, understand how a query is executed and what might be done to improve it.

In MySQL 5.7, we added a new syntax for optimizer hints, and provided a lot of new hints that can be used to influence the optimizer to change a non-optimal query plan. We also provided a query rewrite plugin that makes it possible to tune queries even when it is not possible to change the application.

MySQL 5.7 also came with improvements to EXPLAIN. It is now possible to get the query plan for a running query, and Structured EXPLAIN shows both estimated total query cost and the cost per table. A more experimental feature allows you to provide your own cost constants to the optimizer.  This way, you can configure the optimizer to better suit your particular system.

For MySQL 8.0 we are continuing to improve tunability by adding more optimizer hints.  At the same time, we are working hard on features that will reduce the need for tuning. Histograms and awareness of whether data is in memory or on disk make the optimizer able to pick better query plans.

Percona: What do you want attendees to take away from your tutorial session? Why should they attend?

Øystein: While the query optimizer in most cases will come up with a good query plan, there are some cases where it won’t generate the most optimal query plan. This tutorial will show how you can identify which queries need tuning, how you can further investigate the issues and what types of tuning options you have for different types of queries. By attending this tutorial, you will learn how to improve the performance of applications through query tuning.

Percona: What are you most looking forward to at Percona Live?

Øystein: I am looking forward to interacting with MySQL users, discussing the query performance issues they might have, and learning how I can help with their issues.

You can find out more about Øystein Grøvlen and his work with databases at his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @ogrovlen. Want to find out more about Øystein and MySQL query optimization? Register for Percona Live Data Performance Conference 2017, and see his tutorial How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance. Use the code FeaturedTalk and receive $30 off the current registration price!

Percona Live Data Performance Conference 2017 is the premier open source event for the data performance ecosystem. It is the place to be for the open source community as well as businesses that thrive in the MySQL, NoSQL, cloud, big data and Internet of Things (IoT) marketplaces. Attendees include DBAs, sysadmins, developers, architects, CTOs, CEOs, and vendors from around the world.

The Percona Live Data Performance Conference will be April 24-27, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara & The Santa Clara Convention Center.


Webinar Wednesday 12/14: MongoDB System Tuning Best Practices

MongoDB System Tuning

MongoDB System TuningPlease join Percona Senior Technical Operations Architect Tim Vaillancourt on Wednesday December 14, at 10:00 am PST/ 1:00pm EST (UTC-8) as he presents MongoDB System Tuning Best Practices.

People give much love to optimizing  document design, provisioning, and even selecting an engine in MongoDB. They give little attention to tuning Linux to handle databases efficiently. In this session we will talk about what schedulers you should use, what network settings, what memory and cache settings, what file systems, should you use NUMA and Huge Pages, and more.

This will be a data-packed webinar for the advanced user, but still accessible by the budding systems admin type that wants to learn more about system internals.

Register for this webinar here.

MongoDB System TuningTim joined Percona in 2016 as Sr. Technical Operations Architect for MongoDB, with a goal to make the operations of MongoDB as smooth as possible. With experience operating infrastructures in industries such as government, online marketing/publishing, SaaS and gaming – combined with experience tuning systems from the hard disk all the way up to the end-user – Tim has spent time in nearly every area of the modern IT stack with many lessons learned.

Tim lives in Amsterdam, NL and enjoys traveling, coding and music. Prior to Percona Tim was the Lead MySQL DBA of Electronic Arts’ DICE studios, helping some of the largest games in the world (“Battlefield” series, “Mirrors Edge” series, “Star Wars: Battlefront”) launch and operate smoothly while also leading the automation of MongoDB deployments for EA systems. Before the role of DBA at EA’s DICE studio, Tim served as a subject matter expert in NoSQL databases, queues and search on the Online Operations team at EA SPORTS. Prior to moving to the gaming industry, Tim served as a Database/Systems Admin operating a large MySQL-based SaaS infrastructure at AbeBooks/Amazon Inc.


Tuning Linux for MongoDB

tuning Linux for MongoDB

tuning Linux for MongoDBIn this post, we’ll discuss tuning Linux for MongoDB deployments.

By far the most common operating system you’ll see MongoDB running on is Linux 2.6 and 3.x. Linux flavors such as CentOS and Debian do a fantastic job of being a stable, general-purpose operating system. Linux runs software on hardware ranging from tiny computers like the Raspberry Pi up to massive data center servers. To make this flexibility work, however, Linux defaults to some “lowest common denominator” tunings so that the OS will boot on anything.

Working with databases, we often focus on the queries, patterns and tunings that happen inside the database process itself. This means we sometimes forget that the operating system below it is the life-support of database, the air that it breathes so-to-speak. Of course, a highly-scalable database such as MongoDB runs fine on these general-purpose defaults without complaints, but the efficiency can be equivalent to running in regular shoes instead of sleek runners. At small scale, you might not notice the lost efficiency, but at large scale (especially when data exceeds RAM) improved tunings equate to fewer servers and less operational costs. For all use cases and scale, good OS tunings also provide some improvement in response times and removes extra “what if…?” questions when troubleshooting.

Overall, memory, network and disk are the system resources important to MongoDB. This article covers how to optimize each of these areas. Of course, while we have successfully deployed these tunings to many live systems, it’s always best to test before applying changes to your servers.

If you plan on applying these changes, I suggest performing them with one full reboot of the host. Some of these changes don’t require a reboot, but test that they get re-applied if you reboot in the future. MongoDB’s clustered nature should make this relatively painless, plus it might be a good time to do that dreaded “yum upgrade” / “aptitude upgrade“, too.

Linux Ulimit

To prevent a single user from impacting the entire system, Linux has a facility to implement some system resource constraints on processes, file handles and other system resources on a per-user-basis. For medium-high-usage MongoDB deployments, the default limits are almost always too low. Considering MongoDB generally uses dedicated hardware, it makes sense to allow the Linux user running MongoDB (e.g., “mongod”) to use a majority of the available resources.

Now you might be thinking: “Why not disable the limit (or set it to unlimited)?” This is a common recommendation for database servers. I think you should avoid this for two reasons:

  • If you hit a problem, a lack of a limit on system resources can allow a relatively smaller problem to spiral out of control, often bringing down other services (such as SSH) crucial to solving the original problem.
  • All systems DO have an upper-limit, and understanding those limitations instead of masking them is an important exercise.

In most cases, a limit of 64,000 “max user processes” and 64,000 “open files” (both have defaults of 1024) will suffice. To be more exact you need to do some math on the number of applications/clients, the maximum size of their connection pools and some case-by-case tuning for the number of inter-node connections between replica set members and sharding processes. (We might address this in a future blog post.)

You can deploy these limits by adding a file in “/etc/security/limits.d” (or appending to “/etc/security/limits.conf” if there is no “limits.d”). Below is an example file for the Linux user “mongod”, raising open-file and max-user-process limits to 64,000:

mongod       soft        nproc        64000
mongod       hard        nproc        64000
mongod       soft        nofile       64000
mongod       hard        nofile       64000

Note: this change only applies to new shells, meaning you must restart “mongod” or “mongos” to apply this change!

Virtual Memory
Dirty Ratio

The “dirty_ratio” is the percentage of total system memory that can hold dirty pages. The default on most Linux hosts is between 20-30%. When you exceed the limit the dirty pages are committed to disk, creating a small pause. To avoid this hard pause there is a second ratio: “dirty_background_ratio” (default 10-15%) which tells the kernel to start flushing dirty pages to disk in the background without any pause.

20-30% is a good general default for “dirty_ratio”, but on large-memory database servers this can be a lot of memory! For example, on a 128GB-memory host this can allow up to 38.4GB of dirty pages. The background ratio won’t kick in until 12.8GB! We recommend that you lower this setting and monitor the impact to query performance and disk IO. The goal is reducing memory usage without impacting query performance negatively. Reducing caches sizes also guarantees data gets written to disk in smaller batches more frequently, which increases disk throughput (than huge bulk writes less often).

A recommended setting for dirty ratios on large-memory (64GB+ perhaps) database servers is: “vm.dirty_ratio = 15″ and vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5″, or possibly less. (Red Hat recommends lower ratios of 10 and 3 for high-performance/large-memory servers.)

You can set this by adding the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf”:

vm.dirty_ratio = 15
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5

To check these current running values:

$ sysctl -a | egrep "vm.dirty.*_ratio"
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_ratio = 15


“Swappiness” is a Linux kernel setting that influences the behavior of the Virtual Memory manager when it needs to allocate a swap, ranging from 0-100. A setting of 0 tells the kernel to swap only to avoid out-of-memory problems. A setting of 100 tells it to swap aggressively to disk. The Linux default is usually 60, which is not ideal for database usage.

It is common to see a setting of 0″ (or sometimes “10”) on database servers, telling the kernel to prefer to swap to memory for better response times. However, Ovais Tariq details a known bug (or feature) when using a setting of 0 in this blog post: https://www.percona.com/blog/2014/04/28/oom-relation-vm-swappiness0-new-kernel/.

Due to this bug, we recommended using a setting of 1″ (or “10” if you  prefer some disk swapping) by adding the following to your /etc/sysctl.conf”:

vm.swappiness = 1

To check the current swappiness:

$ sysctl vm.swappiness
vm.swappiness = 1

Note: you must run the command “/sbin/sysctl -p” as root/sudo (or reboot) to apply a dirty_ratio or swappiness change!

Transparent HugePages

*Does not apply to Debian/Ubuntu or CentOS/RedHat 5 and lower*

Transparent HugePages is an optimization introduced in CentOS/RedHat 6.0, with the goal of reducing overhead on systems with large amounts of memory. However, due to the way MongoDB uses memory, this feature actually does more harm than good as memory access are rarely contiguous.

Disabled THP entirely by adding the following flag below to your Linux kernel boot options:


Usually this requires changes to the GRUB boot-loader config in the directory /boot/grub” or /etc/grub.d” on newer systems. Red Hat covers this in more detail in this article (same method on CentOS): https://access.redhat.com/solutions/46111.

Note: We recommended rebooting the system to clear out any previous huge pages and validate that the setting will persist on reboot.

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) Architecture

Non-Uniform Memory Access is a recent memory architecture that takes into account the locality of caches and CPUs for lower latency. Unfortunately, MongoDB is not “NUMA-aware” and leaving NUMA setup in the default behavior can cause severe memory in-balance.

There are two ways to disable NUMA: one is via an on/off switch in the system BIOS config, the 2nd is using the numactl” command to set NUMA-interleaved-mode (similar effect to disabling NUMA) when starting MongoDB. Both methods achieve the same result. I lean towards using the numactl” command due to future-proofing yourself for the mostly inevitable addition of NUMA awareness. On CentOS 7+ you may need to install the numactl” yum/rpm package.

To make mongod start using interleaved-mode, add numactl –interleave=all” before your regular mongod” command:

$ numactl --interleave=all mongod <options here>

To check mongod’s NUMA setting:

$ sudo numastat -p $(pidof mongod)
Per-node process memory usage (in MBs) for PID 7516 (mongod)
                           Node 0           Total
                  --------------- ---------------
Huge                         0.00            0.00
Heap                        28.53           28.53
Stack                        0.20            0.20
Private                      7.55            7.55
----------------  --------------- ---------------
Total                       36.29           36.29

If you see only 1 x NUMA-node column (“Node0”) NUMA is disabled. If you see more than 1 x NUMA-node, make sure the metric numbers (Heap”, etc.) are balanced between nodes. Otherwise, NUMA is NOT in “interleave” mode.

Note: some MongoDB packages already ship logic to disable NUMA in the init/startup script. Check for this using “grep” first. Your hardware or BIOS manual should cover disabling NUMA via the system BIOS.

Block Device IO Scheduler and Read-Ahead

For tuning flexibility, we recommended that MongoDB data sits on its own disk volume, preferably with its own dedicated disks/RAID array. While it may complicate backups, for the best performance you can also dedicate a separate volume for the MongoDB journal to separate it’s disk activity noise from the main data set. The journal does not yet have it’s own config/command-line setting, so you’ll need to mount a volume to the journal” directory inside the dbPath. For example, /var/lib/mongo/journal” would be the journal mount-path if the dbPath was set to /var/lib/mongo”.

Aside from good hardware, the block device MongoDB stores its data on can benefit from 2 x major adjustments:

IO Scheduler

The IO scheduler is an algorithm the kernel will use to commit reads and writes to disk. By default most Linux installs use the CFQ (Completely-Fair Queue) scheduler. This is designed to work well for many general use cases, but with little latency guarantees. Two other popular schedulers are deadline” and noop”. Deadline excels at latency-sensitive use cases (like databases) and noop is closer to no scheduling at all.

We generally suggest using the deadline” IO scheduler for cases where you have real, non-virtualised disks under MongoDB. (For example, a “bare metal” server.) In some cases I’ve seen noop” perform better with certain hardware RAID controllers, however. The difference between deadline” and cfq” can be massive for disk-bound deployments.

If you are running MongoDB inside a VM (which has it’s own IO scheduler beneath it) it is best to use noop” and let the virtualization layer take care of the IO scheduling itself.


Read-ahead is a per-block device performance tuning in Linux that causes data ahead of a requested block on disk to be read and then cached into the filesystem cache. Read-ahead assumes that there is a sequential read pattern and something will benefit from those extra blocks being cached. MongoDB tends to have very random disk patterns and often does not benefit from the default read-ahead setting, wasting memory that could be used for more hot data. Most Linux systems have a default setting of 128KB/256 sectors (128KB = 256 x 512-byte sectors). This means if MongoDB fetches a 64kb document from disk, 128kb of filesystem cache is used and maybe the extra 64kb is never accessed later, wasting memory.

For this setting, we suggest a starting-point of 32 sectors (=16KB) for most MongoDB workloads. From there you can test increasing/reducing this setting and then monitor a combination of query performance, cached memory usage and disk read activity to find a better balance. You should aim to use as little cached memory as possible without dropping the query performance or causing significant disk activity.

Both the IO scheduler and read-ahead can be changed by adding a file to the udev configuration at /etc/udev/rules.d”. In this example I am assuming the block device serving mongo data is named /dev/sda” and I am setting “deadline” as the IO scheduler and 16kb/32-sectors as read-ahead:

# set deadline scheduler and 16kb read-ahead for /dev/sda
ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sda", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="deadline", ATTR{bdi/read_ahead_kb}="16"

To check the IO scheduler was applied ([square-brackets] = enabled scheduler):

$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop [deadline] cfq

To check the current read-ahead setting:

$ sudo blockdev --getra /dev/sda

Note: this change should be applied and tested with a full system reboot!

Filesystem and Options

It is recommended that MongoDB uses only the ext4 or XFS filesystems for on-disk database data. ext3 should be avoided due to its poor pre-allocation performance. If you’re using WiredTiger (MongoDB 3.0+) as a storage engine, it is strongly advised that you ONLY use XFS due to serious stability issues on ext4.

Each time you read a file, the filesystems perform an access-time metadata update by default. However, MongoDB (and most applications) does not use this access-time information. This means you can disable access-time updates on MongoDB’s data volume. A small amount of disk IO activity that the access-time updates cause stops in this case.

You can disable access-time updates by adding the flag noatime” to the filesystem options field in the file /etc/fstab” (4th field) for the disk serving MongoDB data:

/dev/mapper/data-mongodb /var/lib/mongo        ext4        defaults,noatime    0 0

Use noatime” to verify the volume is currently mounted:

$ grep "/var/lib/mongo" /proc/mounts
/dev/mapper/data-mongodb /var/lib/mongo ext4 rw,seclabel,noatime,data=ordered 0 0

Note: to apply a filesystem-options change, you must remount (umount + mount) the volume again after stopping MongoDB, or reboot.

Network Stack

Several defaults of the Linux kernel network tunings are either not optimal for MongoDB, limit a typical host with 1000mbps network interfaces (or better) or cause unpredictable behavior with routers and load balancers. We suggest some increases to the relatively low throughput settings (net.core.somaxconn and net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog) and a decrease in keepalive settings, seen below.

Make these changes permanent by adding the following to /etc/sysctl.conf” (or a new file /etc/sysctl.d/mongodb-sysctl.conf – if /etc/sysctl.d exists):

net.core.somaxconn = 4096
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 120
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096

To check the current values of any of these settings:

$ sysctl net.core.somaxconn
net.core.somaxconn = 4096

Note: you must run the command “/sbin/sysctl -p” as root/sudo (or reboot) to apply this change!

NTP Daemon

All of these deeper tunings make it easy to forget about something as simple as your clock source. As MongoDB is a cluster, it relies on a consistent time across nodes. Thus the NTP Daemon should run permanently on all MongoDB hosts, mongos and arbiters included. Be sure to check the time syncing won’t fight with any guest-based virtualization tools like “VMWare tools” and “VirtualBox Guest Additions”.

This is installed on RedHat/CentOS with:

$ sudo yum install ntp

And on Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install ntp

Note: Start and enable the NTP Daemon (for starting on reboots) after installation. The commands to do this vary by OS and OS version, so please consult your documentation.

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

Security-Enhanced Linux is a kernel-level security access control module that has an unfortunate tendency to be disabled or set to warn-only on Linux deployments. As SELinux is a strict access control system, sometimes it can cause unexpected errors (permission denied, etc.) with applications that were not configured properly for SELinux. Often people disable SELinux to resolve the issue and forget about it entirely. While implementing SELinux is not an end-all solution, it massively reduces the local attack surface of the server. We recommend deploying MongoDB with SELinus Enforcing” mode on.

The modes of SELinux are:

  1. Enforcing – Block and log policy violations.
  2. Permissive – Log policy violations only.
  3. Disabled – Completely disabled.

As database servers are usually dedicated to one purpose, such as running MongoDB, the work of setting up SELinux is a lot simpler than a multi-use server with many processes and users (such as an application/web server, etc.). The OS access pattern of a database server should be extremely predictable. Introducing Enforcing” mode at the very beginning of your testing/installation instead of after-the-fact avoids a lot of gotchas with SELinux. Logging for SELinux is directed to /var/log/audit/audit.log” and the configuration is at /etc/selinux”.

Luckily, Percona Server for MongoDB RPM packages (CentOS/RedHat) are SELinux “Enforcing” mode compatible as they install/enable an SELinux policy at RPM install time! Debian/Ubuntu SELinux support is still in planning.

Here you can see the SELinux policy shipped in the Percona Server for MongoDB version 3.2 server package:

$ rpm -ql Percona-Server-MongoDB-32-server | grep selinux

To change the SELinux mode to Enforcing”:

$ sudo setenforce Enforcing

To check the running SELinux mode:

$ sudo getenforce

Linux Kernel and Glibc Version

The version of the Linux kernel and Glibc itself may be more important than you think. Some community benchmarks show a significant improvement on OLTP throughput benchmarks with the recent Linux 3.x kernels versus the 2.6 still widely deployed. To avoid serious bugs, MongoDB should at minimum use Linux 2.6.36 and Glibc 2.13 or newer.

I hope to create a follow-up post on the specific differences seen under MongoDB workloads on Linux 3.2+ versus 2.6. Until then, I recommend you test the difference using your own workloads and any results/feedback are appreciated.

What’s Next?

What’s the next thing to tune? At this point, tuning becomes case-by-case and open-ended. I appreciate any comments on use-case/tunings pairings that worked for you. Also, look out for follow-ups to this article for a few tunings I excluded due to lack of testing.

Not knowing the next step might mean you’re done tuning, or that you need more visibility into your stack to find the next bottleneck. Good monitoring and data visibility are invaluable for this type of investigation. Look out for future posts regarding monitoring your MongoDB (or MySQL) deployment and consider using Percona Monitoring and Management as an all-in-one monitoring solution. You could also try using Percona-Lab/prometheus_mongodb_exporterprometheus/node_exporter and Percona-Lab/grafana_mongodb_dashboards for monitoring MongoDB/Linux with Prometheus and Grafana.

The road to an efficient database stack requires patience, analysis and iteration. Tomorrow a new hardware architecture or change in kernel behavior could come, be the first to spot the next bottleneck! Happy hunting.


Is 80% of RAM how you should tune your innodb_buffer_pool_size?

It seems these days if anyone knows anything about tuning InnoDB, it’s that you MUST tune your innodb_buffer_pool_size to 80% of your physical memory. This is such prolific tuning advice, it seems engrained in many a DBA’s mind.  The MySQL manual to this day refers to this rule, so who can blame the DBA?  The question is: does it makes sense?

What uses the memory on your server?

Before we question such advice, let’s consider what can take up RAM in a typical MySQL server in their broad categories.  This list isn’t necessarily complete, but I think it outlines the large areas a MySQL server could consume memory.

  • OS Usage: Kernel, running processes, filesystem cache, etc.
  • MySQL fixed usage: query cache, InnoDB buffer pool size, mysqld rss, etc.
  • MySQL workload based usage: connections, per-query buffers (join buffer, sort buffer, etc.)
  • MySQL replication usage:  binary log cache, replication connections, Galera gcache and cert index, etc.
  • Any other services on the same server: Web server, caching server, cronjobs, etc.

There’s no question that for tuning InnoDB, the innodb_buffer_pool_size is the most important variable.  It’s expected to occupy most of the RAM on a dedicated MySQL/Innodb server, but of course other local services may affect how it is tuned.  If it (and other memory consumption on the server) is too large, swapping can kick in and degrade your performance rapidly.

Further, the workload of the MySQL server itself may cause a lot of variation.  Does the server have a lot of open connections and active query workload consuming memory?  The memory consumption caused by this can be dramatically different server to server.

Finally, replication mechanisms like Galera have their own memory usage pattern and can require some adjustments to your buffer pool.

We can see clearly that the 80% rule isn’t as nuanced as reality.

A rule of thumb

However, for the sake of argument, let’s say the 80% rule is a starting point.  A rule of thumb to help us get a quick tuning number to get the server running.  Assuming we don’t know anything really about the workload on the system yet, but we know that the system is dedicated to InnoDB, how might our 80% rule play out?

Total Server RAM Buffer pool with 80% rule Remaining RAM
1G 800MB 200MB
16G 13G 3G
32G 26G 6G
64G 51G 13G
128G 102G 26G
256G 205G 51G
512G 409G 103G
1024G 819G 205G

At lower numbers, our 80% rule looks pretty reasonable.  However, as we get into large servers, it starts to seem less sane.  For the rule to hold true, it must mean that workload memory consumption increases in proportion to needed size of the buffer pool, but that usually isn’t the case.  Our server that has 1TB of RAM likely doesn’t need 205G of that to handle things like connections and queries (likely MySQL couldn’t handle that many active connections and queries anyway).

So, if you really just spent all that money on a beefy server do you really want to pay a 20% tax on that resource because of this rule of thumb?

The origins of the rule

At one of my first MySQL conferences, probably around 2006-2007 when I worked at Yahoo, I attended an InnoDB tuning talk hosted by Heikki Tuuri (the original author of InnoDB) and Peter Zaitsev.  I distinctly remember asking about the 80% rule because at the time Yahoo had some beefy 64G servers and the rule wasn’t sitting right with me.

Heikki’s answer stuck with me.  He said something to the effect of (not a direct quote): “Well, the server I was testing on had 1GB of RAM and 80% seemed about right”.  He then, if memory serves, clarified it and said it would not apply similarly to larger servers.

How should you tune?

80% is maybe a great start and rule of thumb.  You do want to be sure the server has plenty of free RAM for the OS and the usually unknown workload.  However, as we can see above, the larger the server, the more likely the rule will wind up wasting RAM.   I think for most people it starts and ends at the rule of thumb, mostly because changing the InnoDB buffer pool requires a restart in current releases.

So what’s a better rule of thumb?  My rule is that you tune the innodb_buffer_pool_size as large as possible without using swap when the system is running the production workload.  This sounds good in principle, but again, it requires a bunch of restarts and may be easier said than done.

Fortunately MySQL 5.7 and it’s online buffer pool resize feature should make this an easier principle to follow.  Seeing lots of free RAM (and/or filesystem cache usage)?  Turn the buffer pool up dynamically.  Seeing some swap activity?  Just turn it down with no restart required.   In practice, I suspect there will be some performance related hiccups of using this feature, but it is at least a big step in the right direction.

The post Is 80% of RAM how you should tune your innodb_buffer_pool_size? appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Linux performance tuning tips for MySQL

Because most MySQL production systems probably run on Linux, I’ve decided to place the most important Linux tuning tips that will help improve MySQL performance. There is nothing new here, most of them are well known, however, I’ve decided to collect those Linux configuration tips into 1 blog post.


  • ext4 (or xfs), mount with noatime
  • Scheduler – use deadline or noop
# echo deadline >/sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
add "elevator=deadline" to grub.conf

(For more info see Linux Schedulers in TPCC like benchmark)


  • Swappiness and NUMA:
# echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
add "vm.swappiness = 0" to /etc/sysctl.conf

  • Set numa interleave all
numactl --interleave=all

If using Percona Server we can place it into mysqld_safe script, as Percona Server supports NUMA control.

Jeremy Cole blog contains excellent overview of NUMA as well as additional NUMA tools

(and do not forget about innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT)


Make sure there is no powersave mode enabled:
Check /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
and make sure it is not ondemand
Check /proc/cpuinfo and compare cpu MHz number to what is listed under the “model name”
Disable the “ondemand” if it is running

Example: “ondemand” is running on all the servers

$ ps ax| grep kondemand|wc -l
$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

and we have this:

model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4640 0 @ 2.40GHz
cpu MHz : 1200.000

In this case we will need to disable “ondemand”.

These simple Linux tuning tips will increase MySQL performance and make it more stable (and avoid swapping). I’m am also interested in hearing about your experience with different Linux configurations and MySQL. Please share those in the comments.

The post Linux performance tuning tips for MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


The write cache: Swap insanity tome III

Swapping has always been something bad for MySQL performance but it is even more important for HA systems. It is so important to avoid swapping with HA that NDB cluster basically forbids calling malloc after the startup phase and hence its rather complex configuration.

Probably most readers of this blog know (or should know) about Linux swappiness setting, which basically controls how important is the file cache for Linux. Basically, with InnoDB, since the file cache is not important we add “vm.swappiness = 0″ to “/etc/sysctl.conf” and run “sysctl -p” and we are done.

Swappiness solves part of the swapping issue but not all. With Numa systems, the picture is more complex and swapping can occur because of a memory imbalance between the physical cpus, the sockets and not cores. Jeremy Cole explained this here and here. In summary, you need to interleave the allocation of memory for the MySQL process using the numactl utility, drop the file cache and pre-allocate the innodb buffer pool with the innodb_buffer_pool_populate option.

That solves most of the swapping issues but… I recently ended up in a situation where, after having done all that, a server was swapping episodically for a few minutes, enough to cause serious issues to the pacemaker setup the server is one of the nodes. That caused resource failovers. Resource failover when there’s no fencing and when the servers are not responsive because of swapping is pretty bad for a cluster and we often ended up is strange, unexpected states. What was I missing?

In order to figure out, I started of data gathering metrics like: pt-stalk, vmstat, top, iostat, etc all saving to disk with the current time stamp in front of each line. I quickly found that the issues happened during the backups but also, during the push of the backups to S3. Why? The push to S3 was especially puzzling since MySQL was not involved. The server was running with nearly 7GB of free memory but the push to S3 involves a split operation to create files of 5GB since the backup size is about 28GB and the file upload size limit is 5GB. So, about 28GB was written to disk in a short while. Here’s the vmstat output during the split process, the cron job started at 10am.

Fri Mar 22 10:03:22 UTC 2013 procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----
Fri Mar 22 10:03:22 UTC 2013 r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
Fri Mar 22 10:03:22 UTC 2013 2 1 291992 224892 138848 7254284 0 0 148504 476 24190 24233 8 6 81 5 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:24 UTC 2013 2 1 291992 222228 138848 7258064 0 0 194040 96 22443 20425 7 6 83 5 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:26 UTC 2013 3 1 291992 224088 138852 7260196 0 0 172386 156 27143 27637 8 7 80 5 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:28 UTC 2013 1 4 291992 219104 138832 7262820 0 0 174854 160 18893 17002 6 5 83 6 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:30 UTC 2013 1 2 291992 324640 138836 7153440 0 0 143736 132 19318 17425 7 5 76 12 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:32 UTC 2013 0 2 291984 292988 138840 7183556 0 0 138480 1206 19126 16359 3 5 81 12 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:34 UTC 2013 4 0 291984 216932 138832 7255856 0 0 169072 936 20541 16555 3 7 83 8 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:36 UTC 2013 3 7 300144 242052 138836 7216444 0 4080 53400 53714 18422 16234 2 7 72 18 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:38 UTC 2013 0 4 395888 355136 138844 7197992 0 47872 3350 125712 24148 21633 3 4 70 23 0
Fri Mar 22 10:03:40 UTC 2013 4 4 495212 450516 138864 7208188 0 49664 2532 164356 30539 21120 2 3 81 13 0

Note the free column going down and the cache one going up and then swapping starting at 10:03:36. Also, the server is reading a lot (~150MB/s) but doing very little physical writes. The writes were cached and the write cache was causing the problem. It happened that the setting vm.dirty_ratio was set to 20 on a 48GB server, allowing nearly 10GB of “write cache”. A quick survey of the servers I have access to showed that the common values are 20 and 40. I simply set the dirty_ratio to 2 (1GB of write cache) and the issue is gone since.

So, add to your verification list the point of making sure you look at the Linux settings for the dirty pages. You can either set “vm.dirty_ratio” or “vm.dirty_bytes”, but keep in mind that only one is used; setting one to a non-zero value sets the other to zero.

The post The write cache: Swap insanity tome III appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


The relationship between Innodb Log checkpointing and dirty Buffer pool pages

This is a time-honored topic, and there’s no shortage of articles on the topic on this blog. I wanted to write a post trying to condense and clarify those posts, as it has taken me a while to really understand this relationship.

Some basic facts

  • Most of us know that writing into Innodb updates buffer pool pages in memory and records page operations in the transaction (redo) log.
  • Behind the scenes those updated (dirty) buffer pool pages are flushed down the to the tablespace.
  • If Innodb stops (read: crashes) with dirty buffer pool pages, Innodb recovery must be done to rebuild the last consistent picture of the database.
  • Recovery uses the transaction log by redoing (hence the name ‘redo log’) the page operations in the log that had not already been flushed to the tablespaces.

Ultimately this mechanism was an optimization for slow drives:  if you can sequentially write all the changes into a log, it will be faster to do on the fly as transactions come in than trying to randomly write the changes across the tablespaces.  Sequential IO trumps Random IO.

However, even today in our modern flash storage world where random IO is significantly less expensive (from a latency perspective, not dollars), this is still an optimization because the longer we delay updating the tablespace, the more IOPs we can potentially conserve, condense, merge, etc.  This is because:

  • The same row may be written multiple times before the page is flushed
  • Multiple rows within the same page can be written before the page is flushed

Innodb Log Checkpointing

So, first of all, what can we see about Innodb log checkpointing and what does it tell us?

Log sequence number 9682004056
Log flushed up to   9682004056
Last checkpoint at  9682002296

This shows us the virtual head of our log (Log sequence Number), the last place the log was flushed to disk (Log flushed up to), and our last Checkpoint.  The LSN grows forever, while the actual locations inside the transaction logs are reused in a circular fashion.    Based on these numbers, we can determine how many bytes back in the transaction log our oldest uncheckpointed transaction is by subtracting our ‘Log sequence number’ from the ‘Last checkpoint at’ value.  More on what a Checkpoint is in a minute.    If you use Percona server, it does the math for you by including some more output:

Log sequence number 9682004056
Log flushed up to   9682004056
Last checkpoint at  9682002296
Max checkpoint age    108005254
Checkpoint age target 104630090
Modified age          1760
Checkpoint age        1760

Probably most interesting here is the Checkpoint age, which is the subtraction I described above.  I think of the Max checkpoint age as roughly the furthest back Innodb will allow us to go in the transaction logs; our Checkpoint age cannot exceed this without blocking client operations in Innodb to flush dirty buffers.  Max checkpoint age appears to be approximately 80% of the total number of bytes in all the transaction logs, but I’m unsure if that’s always the case.

Remember our transaction logs are circular, and the checkpoint age represents how far back the oldest unflushed transaction is in the log.  We cannot overwrite that without potentially losing data on a crash, so Innodb does not permit such an operation and will block incoming writes until the space is available to continue (safely) writing in the log.

Dirty Buffer Pool Pages

On the other side, we have dirty buffers.  These two numbers are relevant from the BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY section of SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS:

Database pages          65530
Modified db pages       3

So we have 3 pages that have modified data in them, and that (in this case) is a very small percentage of the total buffer pool.  A page in Innodb contains rows, indexes, etc., while a transaction may modify 1 or millions of rows.  Also realize that a single modified page in the buffer pool may contain modified data from multiple transactions in the transaction log.

As I said before, dirty pages are flushed to disk in the background.  The order in which they are flushed really has little to nothing to do with the transaction they are associated with, nor with the position associated with their modification in the transaction log.    The effect of this is that as the thread managing the dirty page flushing goes about its business, it is not necessarily flushing to optimize the Checkpoint age, it is flushing to try to optimize IO and to obey the LRU in the buffer pool.

Since buffers can and will be flushed out of order, it may be the case that there are a lot of transactions in the transaction log that are fully flushed to disk (i.e., all the pages associated with said transaction are clean), but there still could be  older transactions that are not flushed.  This, in essence, is what fuzzy checkpointing is.

The checkpoint process is really a logical operation.  It occasionally  (as chunks of dirty pages get flushed) has a look through the dirty pages in the buffer pool to find the one with the oldest LSN, and that’s the Checkpoint.  Everything older must be fully flushed.

The main reason this is important is if the Checkpoint Age is not a factor in dirty buffer flushing, it can get too big and cause stalls in client operations:  the algorithm that decides which dirty pages to flush does not optimize for this [well] and sometimes it is not good enough on its own.

So, how can we optimize here?  The short of it is: make innodb flush more dirty pages.  However, I can’t help but wonder if some tweaks could be made to the page flushing algorithm to be more effective there in choosing older dirty pages.   It is clear how that algorithm works without reading the source code.

There are a lot of ways to tune this, here is a list of the most signficant, roughly ordered from oldest to newest, and simultaneously listed from least effective to most effective:

  • innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct:  This attempts to keep the percentage of dirty pages under control, and before the Innodb plugin this was really the only way to tune dirty buffer flushing.  However, I have seen servers with 3% dirty buffers and they are hitting their max checkpoint age.  The way this increases dirty buffer flushing also doesn’t scale well on high io subsystems, it effectively just doubles the dirty buffer flushing per second when the % dirty pages exceeds this amount.
  • innodb_io_capacity: This setting, in spite of all our grand hopes that it would allow Innodb to make better use of our IO in all operations, simply controls the amount of dirty page flushing per second (and other background tasks like read-ahead).  Make this bigger, you flush more per second.  This does not adapt, it simply does that many iops every second if there are dirty buffers to flush.  It will effectively eliminate any optimization of IO consolidation if you have a low enough write workload (that is, dirty pages get flushed almost immediately, we might be better off without a transaction log in this case).  It also can quickly starve data reads and writes to the transaction log if you set this too high.
  • innodb_write_io_threads: Controls how many threads will have writes in progress to the disk.   I’m not sure why this is still useful if you can use Linux native AIO.  These can also be rendered useless by filesystems that don’t allow parallel writing to the same file by more than one thread (particularly if you have relatively few tables and/or use the global tablespaces) *cough ext3 cough*.
  • innodb_adaptive_flushing: An Innodb plugin/5.5 setting that tries to be smarter about flushing more aggressively based on the number of dirty pages and the rate of transaction log growth.
  • innodb_adaptive_flushing_method:  (Percona Server only)  This adds a few new different algorithms, but the more effective ones adjust the amount of dirty page flushing using a formula that considers the Checkpoint age and the Checkpoint age target (something you can set in Percona Server, otherwise it is effectively just a hair under the Max Checkpoint age).  The two main methods here would be ‘estimate’ (good default) and ‘keep_average’ designed for SSD type storage.  Running Percona Server and using this method is my go-to setting for managing Checkpoint age.
To be clear, the best we have today (IMO) is using innodb_adaptive_flushing_method in Percona server.
In any case, if you run any kind of production MySQL server, you should be monitoring your Checkpoint age and your Innodb dirty pages and try to see the relationship with those values and your write operations on disk.  The additional controls in 5.5 and Percona server are excellent reasons to consider an upgrade.

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