
White House draft policy wants federal agencies to find open source religion web site By now, the advantages of open source are there for all to see. When you give people access to the underlying code, good things happen. People find bugs and security holes. They make it better. They adapt it to different needs. They even build entire startup ecosystems on top of key projects.
It’s become so ubiquitous in the private sector that the government has begun to see the light too. Read More


White House Report Sees Potential, Pitfalls Of Big Data

data-isometric A new report released by the White House today outlines the potential and pitfalls of big data in our lives. While there is tremendous economic and social promise from big data, there is also equal prospect for abuse, especially when it comes to privacy and personal data protection.
President Obama plans to file several pieces of legislation in the coming months around consumer privacy and… Read More

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