
Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster 1.2.0 Now Available

Kubernetes Operator for XtraDB Cluster

Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster 1.2.0We are glad to announce the 1.2.0 release of the  Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster.

The Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster automates the lifecycle and provides a consistent Percona XtraDB Cluster instance. The Operator can be used to create a Percona XtraDB Cluster, or scale an existing Cluster, and contains the necessary Kubernetes settings.

The Operator simplifies the deployment and management of the Percona XtraDB Cluster in Kubernetes-based environments. It extends the Kubernetes API with a new custom resource for deploying, configuring and managing the application through the whole life cycle.

The Operator source code is available in our Github repository. All of Percona’s software is open-source and free.

New features and improvements

  • A Service Broker was implemented for the Operator, allowing a user to deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster on the OpenShift Platform, configuring it with a standard GUI, following the Open Service Broker API.
  • Now the Operator supports Percona Monitoring and Management 2, which means being able to detect and register to PMM Server of both 1.x and 2.0 versions.
  • A NodeSelector constraint is now supported for the backups, which allows using backup storage accessible to a limited set of nodes only (contributed by Chen Min).
  • The resource constraint values were refined for all containers to eliminate the possibility of an out of memory error.
  • Now it is possible to set the schedulerName option in the operator parameters. This allows using storage which depends on a custom scheduler, or a cloud provider which optimizes scheduling to run workloads in a cost-effective way (contributed by Smaine Kahlouch).
  • A bug was fixed, which made cluster status oscillate between “initializing” and “ready” after an update.
  • A 90 second startup delay which took place on freshly deployed Percona XtraDB Cluster was eliminated.

Percona XtraDB Cluster is an open-source, cost-effective and robust clustering solution for businesses. It integrates Percona Server for MySQL with the Galera replication library to produce a highly-available and scalable MySQL® cluster complete with synchronous multi-master replication, zero data loss and automatic node provisioning using Percona XtraBackup.

Help us improve our software quality by reporting any bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system.


Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5 is now available

Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5

Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5Percona announces the GA release of Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5 on November 29th, 2016. You can download it from our download site and from apt and yum repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona XtraBackup drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backups.

New features:
  • Percona XtraBackup now supports SHA256 passwords. Using the SHA256 algorithm requires either SSL encrypted connection, or using public key encryption for password exchange which is only available when both client and server are linked with OpenSSL.
  • Percona XtraBackup now supports Command Options for Secure Connections.
  • NOTE: Due to xbcrypt format changes, backups encrypted with this Percona XtraBackup version will not be recoverable by older versions.
Bugs fixed:
  • Percona XtraBackup would crash while preparing the backup, during the shutdown, when the master thread was performing a checkpoint and purge thread was expecting that all other threads completed or were idle. Bug fixed #1618555.
  • Safe slave backup algorithm performed too short delays between retries which could cause backups to fail on a busy server. Bug fixed #1624473.
  • Percona XtraBackup didn’t check the logblock checksums. Bug fixed #1633448.
  • Fixed new compilation warnings with GCC 6. Bug fixed #1641612.
  • xbcrypt was not setting the Initialization Vector (IV) correctly (and thus is was not using an IV). This was causing the same ciphertext to be generated across different runs (for the same message/same key). The IV provides the extra randomness to ensure that the same ciphertext is not generated across runs. Bug fixed #1643949.
  • target-dir was no longer relative to the current directory but to datadir instead. Bug fixed #1611568.
  • Backup would still succeed even if xtrabackup would fail to write the metadata. Bug fixed #1623210.
  • xbcloud now supports EMC ECS Swift API Authorization requests. Bugs fixed #1638017 and #1638020 (Txomin Barturen).
  • Some older versions of MySQL did not bother to initialize page type field for pages which are not index pages (see upstream #76262 for more information). Having this page type uninitialized could cause xtrabackup to crash on prepare. Bug fixed #1641426.
  • Percona XtraBackup would fail to backup MariaDB 10.2 with the unsupported server version error message. Bug fixed #1602842.

Other bugs fixed: #1639764, #1639767, #1641596, and #1641601.

Release notes with all the bugfixes for Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5 are available in our online documentation. Please report any bugs to the launchpad bug tracker.


Percona Server 5.5.51-38.1 is now available

percona server 5.6.30-76.3

percona server 5.5.51-38.1Percona announces the release of Percona Server 5.5.51-38.1 on August 19, 2016. Based on MySQL 5.5.51, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server 5.5.51-38.1 is now the current stable release in the 5.5 series.

Percona Server is open-source and free. You can find release details of the release in the 5.5.51-38.1 milestone on Launchpad. Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories.

Bugs Fixed:
  • PAM Authentication Plugin would abort authentication while checking UNIX user group membership if there were more than a thousand members. Bug fixed #1608902.
  • PAM Authentication Plugin didn’t support spaces in the UNIX user group names. Bug fixed #1544443.
  • If DROP DATABASE would fail to delete some of the tables in the database, the partially-executed command is logged in the binlog as DROP TABLE t1, t2, ... for the tables for which drop succeeded. A slave might fail to replicate such DROP TABLE statement if there exist foreign key relationships to any of the dropped tables and the slave has a different schema from the master. Fixed by checking, on the master, whether any of the database to be dropped tables participate in a Foreign Key relationship, and fail the DROP DATABASE statement immediately. Bug fixed #1525407 (upstream #79610).
  • Percona Server 5.5 could not be built with the -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=ON option. Bug fixed #1590454.
  • In the client library, any EINTR received during network I/O was not handled correctly. Bug fixed #1591202 (upstream #82019).
  • The included .gitignore in the percona-server source distribution had a line *.spec, which means someone trying to check in a copy of the percona-server source would be missing the spec file required to build the RPM packages. Bug fixed #1600051.
  • The fix for bug #1341067 added a call to free some of the heap memory allocated by OpenSSL. This was not safe for repeated calls if OpenSSL is linked twice through different libraries and each is trying to free the same. Bug fixed #1604676.
  • If the changed page bitmap redo log tracking thread stops due to any reason, then shutdown will wait for a long time for the log tracker thread to quit, which it never does. Bug fixed #1606821.
  • Performing slow InnoDB shutdown (innodb_fast_shutdown set to 0) could result in an incomplete purge, if a separate purge thread is running (which is a default in Percona Server). Bug fixed #1609364.
  • Due to security reasons ld_preload libraries can only be loaded from system directories.
Other bugs fixed:

#1515591 (upstream #79249), #1612551, #1609523, #756387, #1097870, #1603073, #1606478, #1606572, #1606782, #1607224, #1607359, #1607606, #1607607, #1607671, #1608385, #1608424, #1608437, #1608515, #1608845, #1609422, #1610858, #1612084, #1612118, and #1613641.

Find the release notes for Percona Server 5.5.51-38.1 in our online documentation. Report bugs on the launchpad bug tracker.


Innodb transaction history often hides dangerous ‘debt’

In many write-intensive workloads Innodb/XtraDB storage engines you may see hidden and dangerous “debt” being accumulated – unpurged transaction “history” which if not kept in check over time will cause serve performance regression or will take all free space and cause an outage. Let’s talk about where it comes from and what can you do to avoid running into the trouble.

Technical Background: InnoDB is an MVCC engine which means it keeps multiple versions of the rows in the database, and when rows are deleted or updated they are not immediately removed from the database but kept for some time – until they can be removed. For a majority of OLTP workloads they can be removed seconds after the change actually took place. In some cases though they might need to be kept for a long period of time – if there are some old transactions running in the system that might still need to look at an old database state. As of MySQL 5.6 Innodb has one or several “purge threads” which remove the old data that can be removed, though they might not be doing it fast enough for workloads with very intensive writes.

Does it really happen? I started looking into this problem based on some customer concerns and to my surprise I could very easily get the history to grow rapidly using basic sysbench “update” workload. It is especially easy with default innodb_purge_threads=1 setting but even with innodb_purge_threads=8 it grows rather rapidly.

If we take a look at the purging speed (which comes from innodb-metrics table) we can see what purge is being very much starved by the active concurrent sysbench process and it speeds up greatly when it is finished:

Now to be frank this is not an easy situation to get in the majority of workloads with short transactions when the undo space is kept in memory purge and is able to keep up. If Undo space however happens to be gone from buffer pool the purge speed can slow down drastically and the system might not be able to keep up anymore. How it could happen? There are 2 common variants….

Long Running Transaction: If you’re having some long running transaction, for example mysqldump, on the larger table the purging has to pause while that transaction is running and a lot of history will be accumulated. If there is enough IO pressure a portion of undo space will be removed from the buffer pool.

MySQL Restart: Even with modest history length restarting MySQL will wash away from memory and will cause purge to be IO bound. This is of course if you’re not using InnoDB Buffer Pool save and reload.

How do you check if your UNDO space is well cached? In Percona Server I can use those commands:

mysql> select sum(curr_size)*16/1024 undo_space_MB from XTRADB_RSEG;
| undo_space_MB |
|     1688.4531 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select count(*) cnt, count(*)*16/1024 size_MB, page_type from INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE group by page_type;
| cnt    | size_MB   | page_type         |
|     55 |    0.8594 | EXTENT_DESCRIPTOR |
|      2 |    0.0313 | FILE_SPACE_HEADER |
|    108 |    1.6875 | IBUF_BITMAP       |
|  17186 |  268.5313 | IBUF_INDEX        |
| 352671 | 5510.4844 | INDEX             |
|     69 |    1.0781 | INODE             |
|    128 |    2.0000 | SYSTEM            |
|      1 |    0.0156 | TRX_SYSTEM        |
|   6029 |   94.2031 | UNDO_LOG          |
|  16959 |  264.9844 | UNKNOWN           |
10 rows in set (1.65 sec)

This shows what the total undo space size is now, 1.7GB, with less than 100MB cached in the buffer pool size….

Here are a few graphs from Running Heavy concurrent query during lighter workload where purging could keep up. In this case I used the “injection” benchmark in sysbench setting –trx-rate to 50% of what the system shown as peak.

mysql> select count(distinct k+ length(pad)) from sbtest1;
| count(distinct k+ length(pad)) |
|                       30916851 |
1 row in set (28 min 32.38 sec)

What we can see from those graphs is that InnoDB purging initially is progressing at a speed fast enough to keep up with inflow of transactions,
however as we kick up the complicated query, purging is stopped and when the query is done the purge speed settles on the new much lower level where it is not able to keep up with the workload anymore.

Now, there is recognition of this problem and there are options with innodb_max_purge_lag and innodb_max_purge_lag_delay to set the maximum length of the history after reaching which delay will be injected for DML statements up to a specified amount of microseconds.

Unfortunately it is not designed very well to use with real applications. The problems I see with its design are two fold….

Looking at Total History: If you think about it there are 2 kinds of records within the history – there are records that can be purged and there are ones which can’t be purged because they are needed by some active transaction. It is perfectly fine to have a lot of records in history if some long transaction is running – it is not the cause of the problem or overload, while we expect what “purgable history” should be low most of the time.

Looking at the Size rather than Rate of Change: Even worse, the history blowout prevention is looking at the current value to inject a delay and not at whenever it is that’s growing or already shrinking.

These together means that cases of long running transactions concurrently with OLTP workloads is handled very poorly – as long as history reaches the specified maximum amount the system will kick into overdrive, delaying all statements to the maximum extent possible, until the history falls back below the threshold. Here is how it looks on graphs:

As you see on the last graph, we got the purge_dml_delay_usec spiking to 10000us (the max I set) even as no purging can be done (see the blue line is at zero). It only actually starts to work on the history when the heavy query completes and really releases the breaks when the purge is complete. In this case the throughput of the system reduced more than 5 times when the delay was active – which would not work for most real-world systems.

Design Thoughts: So what would I change in the purging design of the configuration? I would like to see a better default configuration that should include multiple purge threads and purge delay (improved). I would find some way to measure not only history size but purgable history size and base purge delay on it.  Also make it based on the change rather than threshold – do just enough delay so the history is gradually shrinking. Also basing it on the undo space size instead of the number of transactions (which can vary in size) might be more practical and easier to auto-tune. We also can probably do better in terms of undo space caching – similar to Insert buffer, I’d like to keep it in memory say until 10% of the buffer pool size as removing from the cache something you know you will need very soon is bad business, as well as consider whether there is some form of read-ahead which can work to pre-read undo space which is needed. Right now I’ve tested and neither linear nor random read-ahead seems to help picking it up from disk with less random IO.

Practical Thoughts: Whatever improvements we’ll get from purging we have MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 systems to run for some years to come. So what are the practical steps we can do to manage purge history better?

Monitor: Make sure you are monitoring and graphing innodb_history_list_length. If you use large transactions, set alerts pretty high but do not leave it unchecked.

Configure Set innodb_purge_threads=8 or some other value if you have write intensive workload. Consider playing with innodb_max_purge_lag and innodb_max_purge_lag_delay but be careful – as currently designed it can really bring the server to its knees. You may consider using it interactively instead, changing them as run-time options if you spot history list growths unchecked, balancing current workload demands with resources allocated to purging.

Let it purge before shutdown: In many cases I find purge performance much worse after I restart MySQL Server because of caching. So the good approach might be just to remove the workload from MySQL server before shutting it down to let the purge of outstanding history complete – and only after that shut it down. If the server has crashed you might consider letting it complete purging before getting traffic routed back to it.

Use Innodb Buffer Pool Preload Use innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown=on and innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup=on to ensure undo space is preloaded back to the buffer pool on startup.

P.S If you wonder where the graphs I have used came from – it is our Percona Cloud Tools – a very convenient way for analyses like these allowing access to all MySQL status variables, InnoDB metrics, tons of OS metrics and more.

The post Innodb transaction history often hides dangerous ‘debt’ appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona XtraBackup 2.2.5 now available (free MySQL hot backup software)

Percona XtraBackup for MySQL Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.2.5 on October 2, 2014. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona XtraBackup drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backups.

New Features:

  • Percona XtraBackup has been rebased on MySQL 5.6.21.

Bugs Fixed:

  • The fix for bug #1079700 introduced a problem for users with huge numbers of InnoDB tablespaces, and the workaround of raising the open files limits didn’t work in all cases due to a limitation in the Linux kernel. A new innobackupex --close-files option has been implemented to close the file handles once they are no longer accessed. NOTE: Using this option may result in a broken backup if DDL is performed on InnoDB tables during the backup procedure. Bug fixed #1222062.
  • Fix for bug #1206309 introduced a regression in Percona XtraBackup 2.2.0 which caused Percona XtraBackup to fail to copy redo logs in random cases. Bug fixed #1365835.
  • innobackupex --galera-info didn’t copy the last binlog file when it was taking a backup from server where backup locks are supported. Bug fixed #1368577.
  • xtrabackup binary would accept arguments that were not options, which could lead to unexpected results. Bug fixed #1367377.
  • If innobackupex is run against MySQL 5.1 with built-in InnoDB, it will now suggest using Percona XtraBackup 2.0 or upgrading to InnoDB plugin, rather than just failing with the generic unsupported server version message. Bug fixed #1335101.
  • Using the (deprecated) log parameter in mysqld section would cause backups to fail. Bug fixed #1347698.
  • Percona XtraBackup now uses MySQL code to get the stack trace in case Percona XtraBackup crashes with a segmentation fault or an assertion failure. Bug fixed #766305.
  • Attempt to use any of the following options without the --incremental option now fails with an error message rather than creates a full backup: --incremental-lsn, --incremental-basedir, --incremental-history-name, --incremental-history-uuid. Bug fixed #1213778.

Other bugs fixed: #1367613, #1368574, #1370462, #1371441, #1373429, #1373984, and #1265070.

Release notes with all the bugfixes for Percona XtraBackup 2.2.5 are available in our online documentation. Bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug tracker. Percona XtraBackup is an open source, free MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB databases.

The post Percona XtraBackup 2.2.5 now available (free MySQL hot backup software) appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0 ‘release candidate’ for MySQL available for download

Percona XtraBackup for MySQLPercona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0-rc1 on May 7, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here. For this RC release, we will not be making APT and YUM repositories available, just base deb and RPM packages

This is an Release Candidate quality release and is not intended for production. If you want a high-quality, generally available release, the current stable version should be used (currently 2.0.7 in the 2.0 series at the time of writing).

New Features:

  • This version of Percona XtraBackup has implemented full support for new MySQL 5.6 features (GTID, remote/transportable tablespaces, separate undo tablespace, 5.6-style buffer pool dump files).
  • Percona XtraBackup has implemented support for the InnoDB Buffer Pool Preloading introduced in MySQL 5.6. Starting with MySQL 5.6 buffer pool dumps can be produced and loaded for faster server warmup after the start. This feature is similar to the Dump/Restore of the Buffer Pool in Percona Server. MySQL 5.6 buffer pool dump is copied into backup directory during the backup stage. During the copy back stage (restore) it is copied back to data directory. After the backup is restored buffer pool dump can be loaded by the server either automatically on startup or on demand.
  • Time interval between checks done by log copying thread is now configurable by innobackupex –log-copy-interval. Making the interval configurable allows to reduce the time between checks which can prevent XtraBackup failures that are caused by the log records in the transactional log being overwritten before they are copied by the log copying thread.
  • Percona XtraBackup now stores the GTID value in the xtrabackup_binlog_info when doing the backup of MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 with the GTID mode enabled. Example of how this information can be used to create/restore a slave can be found in this blogpost.
  • Percona XtraBackup option xtrabackup –export now supports transportable tablespaces introduced in MySQL 5.6. This option can be used to produce 5.6-style metadata files, that can be imported by ALTER TABLE IMPORT TABLESPACE on MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 as described in Exporting and Importing Tables guide.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Percona XtraBackup would crash when preparing the 5.6 backup with partitioned tables. Bug fixed #1169169.
  • Tables that were dropped between taking a full backup and an incremental one were present in the full backup directory, and were not removed when incremental backups has been merged. Fixed by removing files corresponding to tables that are missing in the incremental backup directory. Bug fixed #856400.
  • Percona XtraBackup would leave stale xtrabackup_tmp* files in the datadir after applying incremental backups. Bug fixed #1079135.
  • If there are thousands of tables and slow IO then XtraBackup can spend a lot of time opening all the tablespaces. Optimization has been implemented and XtraBackup now avoids loading non-relevant tablespaces when partial backup is being taken which speeds up the backup process. Bug fixed #1130145.
  • Due to different implementation in MySQL 5.6 error messages were not printed to stderr directly. Because of that all InnoDB error or diagnostic messages are never printed by xtrabackup_56. Bug fixed #1169971.
  • innobackupex would still run with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK even if xtrabackup would fail when copying logs. Fixed by terminating xtrabackup process immediately on log copying failure. Bug fixed #1170806.
  • Percona XtraBackup would leave xbtemp temp files behind due to a typo. Bug fixed #1172016.
  • innobackupex wasn’t handling the innodb_data_file_path option which could cause backup to fail. Bug fixed #1169726.
  • For the Debian and the Linux binaries, the –version message which should include the revision was showing “undefined”. Bug fixed #1171721.

Other bugs fixed: bug fixed #1088307, bug fixed #1088309, bug fixed #1170340.

The post Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0 ‘release candidate’ for MySQL available for download appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL available for download

MySQL 5.6 Compatible Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7

Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 was released May 6.

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL on May 6, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories. Percona XtraBackup is the world’s only open-source, free MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB databases.

This release is the current GA (Generally Available) stable release in the 2.0 series.

New Features:

  • This version of Percona XtraBackup has implemented full support for new MySQL 5.6 features (GTID, remote/transportable tablespaces, separate undo tablespace, 5.6-style buffer pool dump files).
  • Percona XtraBackup has implemented support for the InnoDB Buffer Pool Preloading introduced in MySQL 5.6. Starting with MySQL 5.6 buffer pool dumps can be produced and loaded for faster server warmup after the start. This feature is similar to the Dump/Restore of the Buffer Pool in Percona Server. MySQL 5.6 buffer pool dump is copied into backup directory during the backup stage. During the copy back stage (restore) it is copied back to data directory. After the backup is restored buffer pool dump can be loaded by the server either automatically on startup or on demand.
  • Time interval between checks done by log copying thread is now configurable by innobackupex –log-copy-interval. Making the interval configurable allows to reduce the time between checks which can prevent XtraBackup failures that are caused by the log records in the transactional log being overwritten before they are copied by the log copying thread.
  • Percona XtraBackup now stores the GTID value in the xtrabackup_binlog_info when doing the backup of MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 with the GTID mode enabled. Example of how this information can be used to create/restore a slave can be found in this blogpost.
  • Percona XtraBackup option xtrabackup –export now supports transportable tablespaces introduced in MySQL 5.6. This option can be used to produce 5.6-style metadata files, that can be imported by ALTER TABLE IMPORT TABLESPACE on MySQL and Percona Server 5.6 as described in Exporting and Importing Tables guide.

Bugs Fixed:

  • xtrabackup_56 binary was present in rpm and deb packages, but it was missing from the source .tar.gz package. Fixed by adding the missing binary to .tar.gz as well. Bug fixed #1158948.
  • innobackupex could crash when taking the 5.6 backup due to linking the wrong SSL library. Bug fixed #1168540.
  • Percona XtraBackup would crash when preparing the 5.6 backup with partitioned tables. Bug fixed #1169169.
  • Tables that were dropped between taking a full backup and an incremental one were present in the full backup directory, and were not removed when incremental backups has been merged. Fixed by removing files corresponding to tables that are missing in the incremental backup directory. Bug fixed #856400.
  • Percona XtraBackup would leave stale xtrabackup_tmp* files in the datadir after applying incremental backups. Bug fixed #1079135.
  • Fixed couple of warnings found in innobackupex when all warnings have been made FATAL. Bug fixed #1116177.
  • If there are thousands of tables and slow IO then XtraBackup can spend a lot of time opening all the tablespaces. Optimization has been implemented and XtraBackup now avoids loading non-relevant tablespaces when partial backup is being taken which speeds up the backup process. Bug fixed #1130145.
  • Percona XtraBackup didn’t initialize per-thread data in the log copying thread which could cause XtraBackup to crash. Bug fixed #1166888.
  • Package dependency has been changed from abstract mysql to real /usr/bin/mysql file, because rpm packages from Oracle no longer satisfied mysql dependency which is required by the XtraBackup rpms. Bug fixed #1095972.
  • Percona XtraBackup would fail when preparing the MySQL 5.6 backup if the log files were bigger than 4G on the source server. Bug fixed #1164979.
  • Due to different implementation in MySQL 5.6 error messages were not printed to stderr directly. Because of that all InnoDB error or diagnostic messages are never printed by xtrabackup_56. Bug fixed #1169971.
  • innobackupex would still run with FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK even if xtrabackup would fail when copying logs. Fixed by terminating xtrabackup process immediately on log copying failure. Bug fixed #1170806.
  • innobackupex would fail if the SQL_MODE was set to ANSI_QUOTES. Bug fixed #945161.
  • Missing space_id from *.ibd.meta would lead to assertion. Fixed by replacing the assertion with the error message. Bug fixed #1112224.
  • Fixed the typo in the innobackupex error output. Bug fixed #1157225.
  • When building from source innodb56 target didn’t have an option to disable DTrace like innodb55 has. Fixed by adding -DENABLE_DTRACE=OFF build option for innodb56 as well. Bug fixed #1169509.
  • innobackupex wasn’t handling the innodb_data_file_path option which could cause backup to fail. Bug fixed #1169726.
  • For the Debian and the Linux binaries, the --version message which should include the revision was showing “undefined”. Bug fixed #1171721.
  • Redundant code has been removed from Bug fixed #1162765.

Other bug fixes: bug fixed #1158154, bug fixed #1170340, bug fixed #1088309, bug fixed #1088307.

Release notes with all the bugfixes for Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 are available in our online documentation. Bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug tracker.

The post Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL available for download appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Server 5.5.8 Beta Release

It’s finally here! Percona Server Percona Server 5.5.8-20.0 is now available for download. This is a beta release of Percona’s enhancements to the MySQL 5.5.8 server. Here are some highlights:

  • Performance and scalability improvements throughout the server and storage engine
  • Optimizations for flash storage such as SSD, Virident, and FusionIO
  • Optimizations for cloud computing
  • The HandlerSocket plugin for NoSQL access
  • There’s an Amazon OS repository, as well as Yum and Apt repositories
  • Improvements to replication, partitioning, stored procedures
  • More diagnostics and tunability
  • More pluggability, including pluggable authentication

In addition to building on MySQL 5.5, here are the changes we’ve made from previous Percona Server releases:

New Features

Variable Changes

Other Changes

  • Additional information was added to the LOG section of the SHOW STATUS command. Bug fixed: #693269. (Yasufumi Kinoshita)
  • The SHOW PATCHES command was removed. (Vadim Tkachenko)
  • The INFORMATION_SCHEMA table XTRADB_ENHANCEMENTS was removed. (Yasufumi Kinoshita)
  • Several fields in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table INNODB_INDEX_STATS were renamed. Bug fixed: #691777. (Yasufumi Kinoshita)
  • The XtraDB version was set to 20.0. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Many InnoDB compilation warnings were fixed. Bug fixed:#695273. (Yasufumi Kinoshita)
  • An Amazon OS repository was created. Bug fixed: #691996. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)

For more information, please see the following links:


Percona Server 5.1.54-12.5

Percona Server version 5.1.54-12.5 is now available for download. It is now the current stable release version.

Functionality Added or Changed

Bugs Fixed

  • Bug #689830 – The development environment tests of show_slave_status_nolock work only on statement-based replication. They were failing when row-based replication was attempted. A check is now made for the replication type to test. (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #688643, Bug #691234 – Boolean command line options and configuration variables in the slow_extended patch were not being processed properly.  (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #692211 – Starting the server with a non-zero innodb_auto_lru_dump value could crash the server if the dump file did not exist. (Alexey Kopytov)

For more information, please see the following links:


Percona Server 5.1.53-12.4

Percona Server version 5.1.53-12.4 is now available for download. It is now the current stable release version.

Functionality Added or Changed

  •  Percona Server 5.1.53-12.4 is based on MySQL 5.1.53.
  •  New Features Added:
    • Precompiled UDFs for Maatkit (FNV and MurmurHash hash functions to provide faster checksums) are now included in distributions. Fixes feature request #689992. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  •  Other Changes:
    • innodb_doublewrite_file – It’s no longer necessary to recreate your database and InnoDB system files when a dedicated file to contain the doublewrite buffer is specified. (Yasufumi Kinoyasu)

Bugs Fixed

  • Bug #643149 – Slow query log entries were not written in the usual parsing format. (Alexey Kopytov)
  • Bug #671764innochecksum wasn’t distributed with RPM and .DEB packages. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Bug #673426 – Use of these system variables as command-line options could cause a crash or undefined behavior: log_slow_timestamp_every, log_slow_sp_statements, slow_query_log_microseconds_timestamp, use_global_long_query_time. (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #673567 – Compiler could produce spurious warnings when building on non_Linux platforms. A check is now made to see if clock_gettime() is present in librt at the configure stage. If yes, -lrt is added to LIBS. (Alexey Kopytov)
  • Bug #673929 – Query cache misses were being reported for some queries when hits were actually occurring. (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #676146 – The development environment test of log_slow_verbosity=innodb on a slave for row-based replication was not working correctly. (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #676147, Bug #676148 – The development environment tests of options log_slow_slave_statements and use_global_long_query_time work only on statement-based replication. They were failing when row-based replication was attempted. A check is now made for the replication type to test. (Oleg Tsarev)
  • Bug #676158 – Setting the query cache size to 512M caused test failure on low memory systems. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Bug #677407 – The innodb.innodb_information_schema test could fail sporadically due to flawed logic in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCKS caching mechanism. (contributed by Kristian Nielsen) (Alexey Kopytov)
  • Bug #681486 – A dependency between Debian packages libmysqlclient16 and percona-server-common was removed. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Bug #693415 – The test percona_innodb_buffer_pool_shm was failing. It should be run with the --big-test option. As the buffer pool size used in the test is 128M, the shared memory segment should be increased appropriately in order to run the test successfully. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Bug #693814, Bug #693815, Bug #693816, Bug #693817, Bug #693819 – Tests in the test environment were updated to reflect past INFORMATION_SCHEMA changes. (Aleksandr Kuzminsky)
  • Bug #693818 – Warning and error messages for stored routines could incorrectly report row numbers due to a change in the slow_extended patch. (Alexey Kopytov)

The Release Notes for this and previous releases can be found in our Wiki.

Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories. The latest source code for Percona Server, including the development branch, can be found on Launchpad.

Please report any bugs found at Bugs in Percona Server.

For general questions, use our Percona Discussions Group, and for development questions our Percona Development Group.

For support, commercial, and sponsorship inquiries, contact Percona.

Entry posted by Fred Linhoss |
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