
Reading Now: High Performance MySQL

High Performance MySQL

High Performance MySQL

Well after my last book, I’m now reading High Performance MySQL.

My new job now has me working in a much larger server farm and so now instead of handling 10,000 users I’m handling many more times that.  This book will build on my background and make my queries work better in a distributed environment.

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Reading Now: The Definitive Guide to symfony

The Definitive Guide to symfony

The Definitive Guide to symfony

Well after my last book, I’m now reading The Definitive Guide to symfony.

My new job has me working with the symfony Framework instead of the Zend Framework I used to use.

Here’s an excerpt from the book:

Why ‘symfony‘ and not ‘FooBarFramework’? Because Fabien wanted a short name containing an s, as in Sensio, and an f, as in framework–easy to remember and not associated with another development tool. Also, he doesn’t like capital letters. symfony was close enough, even if not completely English, and it was also available as a project name. The other alternative was ‘baguette’.

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Reading Now: Twilight

Currently reading Twilight

Currently reading Twilight

Well after my last book, I’m now reading Twilight.

I felt kinda weird looking though the Teen section at Barns & Noble.  This young blond girl giving me a look half of astonishment and half annoyance as I made room for her to go by before picking up the book.  I ignored her and made my way to the front of the store to check out.

And Indian woman in a blue blouse showing one shoulder smiled at me sheepishly as I politely smiled an nodded.  Her eyes darted to what was in my hands and she then rolled her eyes – she purposefully did not make any eye contact.

As I checked out the clerk noticing my uneasiness said, “Don’t worry, you haven’t lost your man card just yet.”

So far its an easy read.  I wished I read this in high-school; boy never knew girls noticed the smallest things about you – I’m still oblivious to all that.

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Reading Now: Design Patterns

Design PatternsCurrently reading Design Patterns by Erich Gamma (Author), Richard Helm (Author), Ralph Johnson (Author), John M. Vlissides (Author) (aka the Gang of Four).

Its amazing coming back and reading this book again after so many years.  I remember the first time I read this in 2002 having alot of this gloss over my head and now many of these design patterns are second nature – I couldn’t think of designing any type of OO software without these patterns.

Written by in: Books,PHP,Web Development | Tags:

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