Dojo Foundation Sourceforge team will do their builds here. Each night they do a gambit of automated tests.
Dijit Theme Tester <==My favorite
Test individual Dojo | Dijit | (Dojox tests not yet available) components
Dojo Foundation Sourceforge team will do their builds here. Each night they do a gambit of automated tests.
Dijit Theme Tester <==My favorite
Test individual Dojo | Dijit | (Dojox tests not yet available) components
Was looking at the DojoX components and noticed they had a Gallery. Interesting, so I go and make this sample here using Flickr services and its works out pretty well.
Now, if only I can figure out how to move the ThumbnailPicker to the bottom and turn off the slideshow…gotta love the documentation (may have to just look at the source). The Gallery component is just a wrapper anyway around ThumbnailPicker and the Slidershow DojoX components…
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