
InnoDB vs TokuDB in LinkBench benchmark

Previously I tested Tokutek’s Fractal Trees (TokuMX & TokuMXse) as MongoDB storage engines – today let’s look into the MySQL area.

I am going to use modified LinkBench in a heavy IO-load.

I compared InnoDB without compression, InnoDB with 8k compression, TokuDB with quicklz compression.
Uncompressed datasize is 115GiB, and cachesize is 12GiB for InnoDB and 8GiB + 4GiB OS cache for TokuDB.

Important to note is that I used tokudb_fanout=128, which is only available in our latest Percona Server release.
I will write more on Fractal Tree internals and what does tokudb_fanout mean later. For now let’s just say it changes the shape of the fractal tree (comparing to default tokudb_fanout=16).

I am using two storage options:

  • Intel P3600 PCIe SSD 1.6TB (marked as “i3600” on charts) – as a high end performance option
  • Crucial M500 SATA SSD 900GB (marked as “M500” on charts) – as a low end SATA SSD

The full results and engine options are available here

Results on Crucial M500 (throughput, more is better)

Crucial M500

    Engine Throughput [ADD_LINK/10sec]

  • InnoDB: 6029
  • InnoDB 8K: 6911
  • TokuDB: 14633

There TokuDB outperforms InnoDB almost two times, but also shows a great variance in results, which I correspond to a checkpoint activity.

Results on Intel P3600 (throughput, more is better)

Intel P3600

  • Engine Throughput [ADD_LINK/10sec]
  • InnoDB: 27739
  • InnoDB 8K: 9853
  • TokuDB: 20594

To understand the reasoning why InnoDB shines on a fast storage let’s review IO usage by all engines.
Following chart shows Reads in KiB, that engines, in average, performs for a request from client.

IO Reads

Following chart shows Writes in KiB, that engines, in average, performs for a request from client.

IO Writes

There we can make interesting observations that TokuDB on average performs two times less writes than InnoDB, and this is what allows TokuDB to be better on slow storages. On a fast storage, where there is no performance penalty on many writes, InnoDB is able to get ahead, as InnoDB is still better in using CPUs.

Though, it worth remembering, that:

  • On a fast expensive storage, TokuDB provides a better compression, which allows to store more data in limited capacity
  • TokuDB still writes two time less than InnoDB, that mean twice longer lifetime for SSD (still expensive).

Also looking at the results, I can make the conclusion that InnoDB compression is inefficient in its implementation, as it is not able to get benefits: first, from doing less reads (well, it helps to get better than uncompressed InnoDB, but not much); and, second, from a fast storage.

The post InnoDB vs TokuDB in LinkBench benchmark appeared first on Percona Data Performance Blog.


Fractal Tree library as a Key-Value store

As you may know, Tokutek is now part of Percona and I would like to explain some internals of TokuDB and TokuMX – what performance benefits they bring, along with further optimizations we are working on.

However, before going into deep details, I feel it is needed to explain the fundamentals of Key-Value store, and how Fractal Tree handles it.

Before that, allow me to say that I hear opinions that the “Fractal Tree” name does not reflect an internal structure and looks more like a marketing term than a technical one. I will not go into this discussion and will keep using name “Fractal Tree” just out of the respect to inventors. I think they are in a position to name their invention with any name they want.

So with that said, the Fractal Tree library implements a new data structure for a more efficient handling (with main focus on insertion, but more on this later) of Key-Value store.

You may question how Key-Value is related to SQL Transactional databases – this is more from the NOSQL world. Partially this is true, and Fractal Tree Key-Value library is successfully used in Percona TokuMX (based on MongoDB 2.4) and Percona TokuMXse (storage engine for MongoDB 3.0) products.

But if we look on a Key-Value store in general, actually it maybe a good fit to use in structural databases. To explain this, let’s take a look in Key-Value details.

So what is Key-Value data structure?

We will use a notation (k,v), or key=>val, which basically mean we associate some value “v” with a key “k”. For software developers following analogies may be close:
key-value access is implemented as dictionary in Python, associative array in PHP or map in C++.
(More details in Wikipedia)

I will define key-value structure as a list of pairs (k,v).

It is important to note that both key and value cannot be just scalars (single value), but to be compound.
That is "k1, k2, k3 => v1, v2", which we can read as (give me two values by a 3-part key).

This brings us closer to a database table structure.
If we apply additional requirement that all (k) in list (k,v) must be unique, this will represent
a PRIMARY KEY for a traditional database table.
To understand this better, let’s take a look on following table:
CREATE TABLE metrics (
ts timestamp,
device_id int,
metric_id int,
cnt int,
val double,
PRIMARY KEY (ts, device_id, metric_id),
KEY metric_id (metric_id, ts),
KEY device_id (device_id, ts)

We can state that Key-Value structure (ts, device_id, metric_id => cnt, val), with a requirement
"ts, device_id, metric_id" to be unique, represents PRIMARY KEY for this table, actually this is how InnoDB (and TokuDB for this matter) stores data internally.

Secondary indexes also can be represented in Key=>Value notion, for example, again, how it is used in TokuDB and InnoDB:
(seconday_index_key=>primary_key), where a key for a secondary index points to a primary key (so later we can get values by looking up primary key). Please note that that seconday_index_key may not be unique (unless we add an UNIQUE constraint to a secondary index).

Or if we take again our table, the secondary keys are defined as
(metric_id, ts => ts, device_id, metric_id)
(device_id, ts => ts, device_id, metric_id)

It is expected from a Key-Value storage to support basic data manipulation and extraction operations, such as:

        – Add or Insert: add

(key => value)

        pair to a collection
        – Update: from

(key => value2)


(key => value2)

        , that is update


        assigned to


        – Delete: remove(key): delete a pair

(key => value)

        from a collection
        – Lookup (select): give a


        assigned to


and I want to add fifth operation:

        – Range lookup: give all values for keys defined by a range, such as

"key > 5"


"key >= 10 and key < 15"

They way software implements an internal structure of Key-Value store defines the performance of mentioned operations, and especially if datasize of a store grows over a memory capacity.

For the decades, the most popular data structure to represent Key-Value store on disk is B-Tree, and within the reason. I won’t go into B-Tree details (see for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-tree), but it provides probably the best possible time for Lookup operations. However it has challenges when it comes to Insert operations.

And this is an area where newcomers to Fractal Tree and LSM-tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-structured_merge-tree) propose structures which provide a better performance for Insert operations (often at the expense of Lookup/Select operation, which may become slower).

To get familiar with LSM-tree (this is a structure used by RocksDB) I recommend http://www.benstopford.com/2015/02/14/log-structured-merge-trees/. And as for Fractal Tree I am going to cover details in following posts.

The post Fractal Tree library as a Key-Value store appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Live & OpenStack Live 2015 wrap-up

Peter Zaitsev's opening keynote

Peter Zaitsev kicks off Percona Live 2015

With highlights that included news of Percona’s acquisition of Tokutek, a lively keynote discussion with Apple legend Steve “Woz” Wozniak, scores of technical sessions, tutorials and a festive MySQL community dinner and game night, last week’s Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo had something for everyone.

More than 1,200 attendees from around the world converged upon Santa Clara, California for the event, which included for the first time a two-day OpenStack Live track alongside a two-day crash course for aspiring MySQL DBAs called “MySQL 101.”

With the Tokutek acquisition, announced last Tuesday by Peter Zaitsev, Percona becomes the first company to offer both MySQL and MongoDB software and solutions. Percona has also taken over development and support for TokuDB® and TokuMX™ as well as the revolutionary Fractal Tree® indexing technology that enables those products to deliver improved performance, reliability and compression for modern Big Data applications. Peter talks in depth about the technologies in last week’s post.

Apple legend Steve Wozniak at Percona Live 2015

Apple legend Steve Wozniak at Percona Live

Also on Tuesday, “Woz” and Jim Doherty, EVP of Sales & Marketing, talked about a range of issues associated with technology and innovation.

The Apple co-founder and inventor of the Apple I and Apple II computers also shared his thoughts on what influenced him growing up, his approach to problem solving, childhood education, artificial intelligence and more. (You can view the entire 45-minute conversation by clicking on the Woz to the left.)

Tweets of #PerconaLive during the conference hit nearly 2,000 – many with photos that are worth looking at (see all of the tweets here).

The other keynotes included:

Community Appreciation Game Night

Community Appreciation Game Night

In addition to the above keynotes, all of the sessions were recorded and will be available soon for registered attendees who had access to them at the conference. Most of the slides will be available soon to everyone via the Percona Live 2015 site. Just click the session you’re interested in and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the slides.

Congratulations go out to all of the MySQL Community Awards 2015 winners with a special thanks to Shlomi Noach and Jeremy Cole for running the awards program.

Special thanks also goes out to the Percona Live and OpenStack Live 2015 conference committees, which together organized a fantastic week of events. And of course none of the events would have been possible without our generous Percona Live sponsors and OpenStack Live sponsors.

Finally, a round of applause for Percona’s director of conferences, Kortney Runyan, for her monumental efforts organizing the event. Kortney could not have succeeded without the support of our multiple service vendors including Ireland Presentations, Carleson Production Group, Tricord, the Hyatt Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Convention Center, to name just a few.

Also announced last week was the new venue for Percona Live Europe, which will be held September 21-22 in Amsterdam. Percona Live Amsterdam promises to be bigger and better than ever. The Call for Papers is open for this exciting new venue so be sure to submit your proposals now.

See you in Amsterdam this September! And be sure to save the date for Percona Live 2016 – April 18-21 at the the Hyatt Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Convention Center.

P.S. For more Percona Live and OpenStack Live 2015 photos…

The post Percona Live & OpenStack Live 2015 wrap-up appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Live & OpenStack Live 2015 wrap-up

Peter Zaitsev's opening keynote

Peter Zaitsev kicks off Percona Live 2015

With highlights that included news of Percona’s acquisition of Tokutek, a lively keynote discussion with Apple legend Steve “Woz” Wozniak, scores of technical sessions, tutorials and a festive MySQL community dinner and game night, last week’s Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo had something for everyone.

More than 1,200 attendees from around the world converged upon Santa Clara, California for the event, which included for the first time a two-day OpenStack Live track alongside a two-day crash course for aspiring MySQL DBAs called “MySQL 101.”

With the Tokutek acquisition, announced last Tuesday by Peter Zaitsev, Percona becomes the first company to offer both MySQL and MongoDB software and solutions. Percona has also taken over development and support for TokuDB® and TokuMX™ as well as the revolutionary Fractal Tree® indexing technology that enables those products to deliver improved performance, reliability and compression for modern Big Data applications. Peter talks in depth about the technologies in last week’s post.

Apple legend Steve Wozniak at Percona Live 2015

Apple legend Steve Wozniak at Percona Live

Also on Tuesday, “Woz” and Jim Doherty, EVP of Sales & Marketing, talked about a range of issues associated with technology and innovation.

The Apple co-founder and inventor of the Apple I and Apple II computers also shared his thoughts on what influenced him growing up, his approach to problem solving, childhood education, artificial intelligence and more. (You can view the entire 45-minute conversation by clicking on the Woz to the left.)

Tweets of #PerconaLive during the conference hit nearly 2,000 – many with photos that are worth looking at (see all of the tweets here).

The other keynotes included:

Community Appreciation Game Night

Community Appreciation Game Night

In addition to the above keynotes, all of the sessions were recorded and will be available soon for registered attendees who had access to them at the conference. Most of the slides will be available soon to everyone via the Percona Live 2015 site. Just click the session you’re interested in and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the slides.

Congratulations go out to all of the MySQL Community Awards 2015 winners with a special thanks to Shlomi Noach and Jeremy Cole for running the awards program.

Special thanks also goes out to the Percona Live and OpenStack Live 2015 conference committees, which together organized a fantastic week of events. And of course none of the events would have been possible without our generous Percona Live sponsors and OpenStack Live sponsors.

Finally, a round of applause for Percona’s director of conferences, Kortney Runyan, for her monumental efforts organizing the event. Kortney could not have succeeded without the support of our multiple service vendors including Ireland Presentations, Carleson Production Group, Tricord, the Hyatt Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Convention Center, to name just a few.

Also announced last week was the new venue for Percona Live Europe, which will be held September 21-22 in Amsterdam. Percona Live Amsterdam promises to be bigger and better than ever. The Call for Papers is open for this exciting new venue so be sure to submit your proposals now.

See you in Amsterdam this September! And be sure to save the date for Percona Live 2016 – April 18-21 at the the Hyatt Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Convention Center.

P.S. For more Percona Live and OpenStack Live 2015 photos…

The post Percona Live & OpenStack Live 2015 wrap-up appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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